Review of Margins of Islams
By WCP Teamon December 11, 2019
What a great year 2019 has been for the development of William Carey Publishing! In addition to the things you noticed, there were many developments that were transparent to you. These are 8 things we are thankful for in 2019.
Obviously not all those in the diaspora are refugees, some move for economic reasons to places all over the world. However, recently Christianity Today celebrated our Refugee Diaspora in their special issue on "how women are rethinking global Gospel proclamation."
Special shout out to CT for featuring Refugee Diaspora especially in how leaders indicated that it has shaped their worldview.
So I woke up this morning after months of onslaught... there is no other word for the recent deluge of work, challenges, and bears, oh my! It's been intense, and I bet you are feeling like that too. Yet today I woke up and for the first time in months my heart said:
"Hand me a jawbone Lord, I'm ready to get back in the battle!"
God desires all people to come in touch with the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The Almighty wants all the saints to grow in their spiritual maturity into Christlikeness. Although we also know there is a spiritual battle going on. Our enemy, the devil, fights against this plan of God from happening in our hearts and hearts of our Muslim friends. He doesn’t want to see God moving among the families of the nations. So the Bible shows us the way to fight this battle, and that is to pray.
The oh so radical thing that I was talking about was movements.
This is about making disciples. And that is a radical act.
Fruit to Harvest is a sequel of sorts, as the name suggests.
Like the first volume, it is based on the proceedings of a global conference on reaching Muslims. Some 47 authors from 21 nations and 30 different agencies working across the Muslim world contributed case studies, information about ministry among Muslims, current challenges, and new strategies.
I appreciated material addressing urban enclaves, Muslim migrants, and nomadic Muslims, as well as strong material on honor and shame, suffering and persecution, partnership, and more. I recommend it highly.
Two alumni of the Perspectives Course have recently shared their story with a valued co-laborer in finishing the task on his podcast Movements with Steve Addison.
Terry and Amy Ruff talk about what it takes to multiply disciple making movements in West Africa. In the interview they humbly share the challenges and thrills that come with a movement that now has 26 generations of churches in one stream, to the glory of God. Link to the interview with Steve or read the written interview with WCP now.