Resources that edify, equip, and empower disciples of Jesus to make disciples of Jesus.
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A Hybrid World Reviewed

By Katie McGaffey
on January 28, 2021
Catch some of the highlights from the latest reviews of A Hybrid World.

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Great Reviews Are Still Coming in for 2020 Releases

By Katie McGaffey
on January 28, 2021
Read the peer reviews of Practicing Hope and Clues to Africa, Islam, and the Gospel

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Expanded International Distribution

By Katie McGaffey
on January 27, 2021

Our WCP Team has been hard at work trying to solve the big question: How do we get our books around the world at affordable prices?

And while we admit that the solution has not been easy, fast, or seamless; we have made great strides at opening up several key areas. Please join us in prayer that the Lord would expand distribution opportunities in other areas of the globe as well. 

For now, we are pleased to announce that our paperbacks are available on these local and regional platforms worldwide, and the list will just keep growing. 

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Advancing Authors

By DG Wynn
on January 13, 2021

In 2021 WCP is going to release a series of blogs to help our current and future authors gain insights in key areas:

  1. How to improve their writing,
  2. How to improve their proposals for new books,
  3. How to improve their marketing for books they already have published. 

Sign up to our special email list to be made aware of new posts for our "Advancing Authors Series.

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Biblical Hope & The Bible Project

By DG Wynn
on January 05, 2021

We love to support and promote like-minded organizations working for the glory of God and one of those amazing orgs is The Bible Project, please check them out and subscribe to their Youtube channel and support their work if you are able. 

We just wanted to share their amazing video on the difference between optimism and Biblical hope to start off this new year of 2021, because we at William Carey Publishing want to encourage all believers to lean into our very real and good God, because He does show up and is faithful, even if 2021 looks a lot like 2020. 

Check out the video and enjoy. 

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Best Mission Books of 2020

By DG Wynn
on December 18, 2020
Best Mission Books of 2020
In a survey done by Catalyst Services, readers submitted their favorites for "Best Mission Books in 2020" and William Carey Publishing has the privilege of announcing that our authors were recognized for 3 of the 14 best books on the 2020 list! 

Congratulations to Michael Cooper for "Ephesiology" being the named best MISSIOLOGY book; to Sue Eenigenburg & Suzy Grumelot for "Sacred Siblings" for best CROSS-CULTURAL MINISTRY book; and for David Jacob for "It's Your Call" named best CROSS-CULTURAL WORKER RECRUITMENT AND PREPARATION.  

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Shipping Delays at Xmas

By DG Wynn
on December 11, 2020
Shipping Delays at Xmas

We just want to be upfront with our customers, that we hustle and try and get every sale out the door as quickly as possible, which usually is same day. Our challenge this year and this season particularly is that the USPS has told us to warn our customers of even Priority Mail being delayed by a couple days, and Media Mail taking up to 10 days! 

So, the answer is BUY BY DEC 14th and your packages will be under your tree in time!




Remembering Jesus Challenge

By DG Wynn
on November 30, 2020

The Remembering Jesus booklet addresses three questions:
1. Who is Jesus?
2. What did He do?
3. Why does that matter?

It is an outstanding way to start a conversation with a another Christian or with someone who has yet to meet Christ to ask them what they think and to share what you do as well.

The Challenge is to give a copy with every gift you give this season. 

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EMQ Celebrates WCP Authors

By DG Wynn
on October 07, 2020

Congrats to our WCP authors who were celebrated with positive book reviews in EMQ's volume 56, issue 4! Michael Cooper's Ephesiology; Miriam Chan and Sophia Russell's For the Joy; and KGLMF's volume on Missionaries, Mental Health, & Accountability; and SEANET's Emerging Faith were all celebrated in different ways for their individual contributions to this great and glorious task we all endeavor to participate in. The ministry of reconciliation. The ambassadorship of Jesus. The living in the way of Jesus with the heart of Jesus and sharing his truth, hope, and love with the world. 

Well done authors, and Godspeed readers!

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A Looming Crisis in the American Church

By WCP Team
on July 16, 2020
The July 8, 2020 release of the Barna Group’s latest study on theState of the Churchhas confirmed what some have suspected would occur as a result of COVID-19. The study revealed that 32 percent of practicing Christians stopped attending church, whether in person or online, since the outbreak of the virus. While the national public opinion survey of 1,000 US adults had a +/- 2.2% rate of error, when extrapolated to the general Christian population, there could be as many as 43 million people who decided to no longer attend church. Whether or not their minds will change once gathering restrictions are loosened, the study does corroborate a growing trend in the rapid decline of church attendance over the past two decades... 

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