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Recently, Missions Catalyst provided this review of Fruit to Harvest:
BOOK: Fruit to Harvest
Source: William Carey Publishing
Fruit to Harvest: Witness of God’s Great Work among Muslims, ed. Gene Daniels, Pam Arlund, and Jim Haney. William Carey Publishing, 2019. 310 pages.
In 2008, the Vision 5:9 network published From Seed to Fruit, a ground-breaking book exploring what practices God was blessing to raise up groups of Jesus-followers among Muslims and describing global trends and emerging issues for ministry among Muslims.
Fruit to Harvest is a sequel of sorts, as the name suggests.
Like the first volume, it is based on the proceedings of a global conference on reaching Muslims. Some 47 authors from 21 nations and 30 different agencies working across the Muslim world contributed case studies, information about ministry among Muslims, current challenges, and new strategies.
While many of the topics are covered in greater depth elsewhere, this book covers a lot of ground and provides inspiring, up-to-date, and readable presentations, each with footnotes and suggestions for those who want to learn more. The authors are experienced and passionate practitioners. Some are from Muslim backgrounds themselves.
I appreciated material addressing urban enclaves, Muslim migrants, and nomadic Muslims, as well as strong material on honor and shame, suffering and persecution, partnership, and more.
I recommend it highly.
» Learn more or purchase. You can get the Kindle edition for US$9.99 or order a paperback copy for US$19.99.
» Other new releases from William Carey Publishing include For the Joy: 21 Missionary Mother Stories of Real Life and Faith, edited by Miriam Chan and Sophia Russell, and Sacred Siblings: Valuing One Another for the Great Commission, by Sue Eenigenburg and Suzy Grumelot (which seems to deal with singleness, marriage, and expectations on a team).
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