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Discipleship Discussed in Book Review of Walking Together on the Jesus Road

By WCP Team
on July 18, 2019
One of the challenges for the church and mission over the last decade or more has been the gap between evangelism and discipleship. A lot of work had been done in exploring evangelism in cross-cultural contexts, but its separation from discipleship had left a significant gap. While this speaks to a broader missiological issue, Evelyn and Richard Hibbert have given us a tool that helps fill this clearly identified gap. The book joins a growing body of material but is unique in that it does not focus on a methodology or programme or a set of studies. What the Hibberts offer is the exploration of important topics that call the reader to work to apply these in their particular context.

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Roy Osknevad is Interviewed by Marv Newell on Leader's Edge

By WCP Team
on June 05, 2019
Hot off the press, The Burden of Baggagepresents an insightful look inside the community of first-generation believers from Muslims backgrounds. It is noteworthy to see how Iranian culture carries over into the church, impacting both its strengths and vulnerabilities.

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Muslims Coming to Christ--Book Review of Margins of Islams

By WCP Team
on June 05, 2019
People are talking about Margins of Islam. Read what they have to say... 
"One of the editors of Margins of Islam, Warrick Farah, argues that, “Islam is perhaps the greatest challenge the church has ever faced. Yet it is not simply that we do not know the answers; we are also unsure of the nature of the problem” (205). As we have seen in politics, so also in making disciples. This slim volume, written by seventeen reflective practitioners with significant experience of a wide variety of Muslim contexts, is a major contribution to examining that problem…."

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Caring for refugees discussed in book review, A Better Country

By WCP Team
on June 05, 2019

By the time the reader arrives at the final two chapters, a rumbling of empowerment comes alive in the pages of Wu’s book. As American Christians we are to go and do, building on our country’s foundation and following in the ways Christ teaches us to interact with and care for all of our brothers and sisters. “Today,” she states, “the ends of the earth are coming to America, and you have the opportunity to show God’s love to them, without leaving your home. What is your vision for making the most of that opportunity?” (p. 40). Perhaps my favorite part of the book, Wu then equips the reader with eighteen practical ideas for caring for refugees in our midst. Whether we prepare a warm meal and invite a new family into our home or watch a handful of documentaries to better understand the plight of refugees, it is not impossible to care for others out of who we already are and what we are already doing, no matter our situation.

I may not have responded verbally to the passengers on the flight that day, but this I do know: if my heart for refugees has been changed by the guidance of one woman’s words, I don’t doubt entire faith communities can and will be changed as well.

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Urbana founder, J. Christy Wilson's Impact on Mission, Tentmaking, and Discipleship

By WCP Team
on June 04, 2019

As the founder of Urbana, and a missionary to Afghanistan, J. Christy Wilson influenced thousands of college students, including our founder, Ralph Winter. Billy Graham once noted, "J. Christy Wilson will go down in history as one of the great and courageous missionaries for the gospel in the twentieth century." 

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The Call to Missions - a Podcast with David Jacob

By DG Wynn
on May 24, 2019

One of WCP's 2019 authors, David Jacob - author of It's Your Call: To a Missional or Missionary Life - was recently featured on the Leading Tomorrow Podcast with host, Jolene Erlacher.

Hear how David's walk into and through missions has influenced how he helped younger generations foster their missionary call.

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Author Malcolm Hunter Shares Jesus Across Africa

By DG Wynn
on May 08, 2019

Hear Malcolm Hunter, author of To the Ends of the Earthrecount how the Gospel transformed violent societies in Southern Ethiopia and Northern Kenya and how the miraculous work of the Spirit allowed many churches to be planted among them. 

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ProQuest & Ebsco forSeminaries, & Universities Worldwide

By DG Wynn
on May 08, 2019

A pretty amazing thing has just happened at William Carey Publishing. Through the astounding work of a tireless team, we can announce that 220 of our books are now live on two of the premier academic search engines through seminary and university libraries around the world, ProQuest and Ebsco. 

That's right people. WCP books will now be available digitally AROUND THE WORLD! 


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Part 4: After the interview

By WCP Team
on April 29, 2019
Once you found a podcast, prepared for the interview, avoided some key mistakes, and recorded the interview, what now? Just like the process of writing a book, it’s a mistake to think your work is done once the interview is over. Instead, think of the interview as only the beginning of the relationship. If you develop enough relationships, the next time you publish a book, your network will support the release of that book and you will sell more books.

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Part 3: The mistakes podcast guests most often make

By WCP Team
on April 22, 2019
A good podcast interview will introduce you to a whole new audience with a chance to make some of that audience your own as people get to know, like, and trust you. A bad interview will do the opposite. Here are 7 mistakes to avoid making on a podcast.

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