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Bulk Discounts at!

By WCP Team
on October 17, 2022

Did you know we offer bulk discount rates? Here's a list of them to help you save!

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A "New Mind" of Mobilization – Engaging Gen Z

By WCP Team
on September 23, 2022

Dear Friends,

Are we ready to pass the torch to Gen Z? Listen to these three amazing podcasts by Jolene Erlacher and Katy White as they talk about engaging young missionaries in training and in the field of missions.  

Jolene Erlacher is a next gen researcher, speaker, and consultant at Leading Tomorrow (; She teaches graduate courses at several Christian universities, equipping ministry leaders serving in a variety of contexts.

Katy White is a mission mobilizer focused on helping members of the emerging generation find their place in God's global work. Katy currently serves with GoCorps (;

The Missionary Mobilization Podcast 

This episode will inspire and equip you to mobilize the next generation of missionaries. Jolene answers the following questions:

  1. What motivated you and co-author Katy White to write this book?

  2. What are some cultural influences we should be aware of when mobilizing Gen Z?

  3. What are some unique characteristics of Gen Z as it relates to missions?

  4. In your book, you write about a “New Mind of Mobilization.” What do you mean by that?

  5. What are three specific strategies to mobilize Gen Z?

 Listen to the Podcast HERE!


The Leading Tomorrow Podcast 


In this special episode, Jolene is joined by her co-author, Katy White, to discuss their new book, Mobilizing Gen Z: Challenges and Opportunities for the Global Age of Missions. The new book launched August 8, 2022. In their discussion, Jolene and Katy present insights on mobilizing and encouraging Gen Zers, and they give an overview of the practical applications and resources in the book. 

Listen to the Podcast HERE

The Missions Podcast 

The generation now coming of age is fraught with anxiety and feeling isolated. What will it take for missionaries and church leaders to motivate Gen Z towards cross-cultural missions? We explore this fascinating question with Dr. Jolene Erlacher, author, speaker, consultant, leadership coach, and teacher.

Listen to the Podcast HERE!


For your interest, enjoy 15% off Mobilizing Gen Z paperback or ePub (not Kindle) at a discount! 

Enter code GENZ15 at checkout for 15% off.



If you weren't involved at Wittenberg 2017 ... why read the book?

By WCP Team
on August 03, 2022

Why should you read Unity Through Repentance if you did not attend Wittenberg 2017?

We thought we would share some short video testimonials to find the answer to that question.

Caroline Owens (Catholic), a Third Order Dominican  quotes:

"The book is a wonderful representation of 'ordinary people' doing God's will in the moment and says God was present orchestrating the whole thing."


Richard Harvey, a Messianic Jewish author, historian, and theologian quotes:

"It's not just a personal story of the author's journey, it's also a short history and overview of all of the issues that have separated believers of Jesus and the church from the Jewish people.  The book has emphasized the need for reconciliation between individual Christians and between denominations." 


Jim MacDonald (Protestant), a patent engineer quotes:

"I've seen people have to organize family reunions, and this is very much a family reunion story that is very near and dear to the Father's heart." 


Verena Lang, a historian, and her husband Hans-Peter Lang, a forester, both Catholic living in Austria quotes:

"Jesus emphasized the importance of unity in the body of Christ.  He prayed to the Father that we should be one as He is one with the Father.  Follow Thomas and Amy Cogdell on an exciting pilgrimage."

Interested in reading Unity Through Repentance: The Journey to Wittenberg 2017?  Save 15% off the paperback and eBook with code UNITY22 at checkout!



By WCP Team
on July 21, 2022

Bob Bagley, the current associate executive director of Global Partners (GP), reviewed Journey with Me in the most recent publication of Evangelical Missions Quarterly. Bob comes from a background of serving in Africa with Global Partners for over three decades. Publication: EMQ » July–September 2022 » Volume 58 Issue 3.  Click HERE to view the full article.

He writes:

"Missionary service may prove hazardous to your spiritual health. Ironic as it may seem, it is not unusual for cross-cultural workers to pour themselves into ministering to others while their own souls become increasingly parched. The demands of missionary work and cross-cultural living can become barriers to the practice of the spiritual disciplines. It should not be surprising then that the ReMAP study on missionary attrition found that about a third of preventable missionary attrition is related to poor spiritual health.

While many helpful books have been written to guide believers in the practice of spiritual disciplines, little has been specifically written for cross-cultural workers. Drawing from his years serving in eastern Europe and subsequent ministry leading spiritual formation retreats for missionaries, Herbert Lamp has written this book to address that need.

Lamp’s book provides a basic introduction to foundational spiritual disciplines and practices that are critical for all believers, but especially for those in cross-cultural ministry. He puts the disciplines both in historical context, describing them as “ancient pathways” as well as in context for those in the trenches of missionary work. It is an easy read, written in a very personal and accessible manner. But it is not a quick read. The rich content demands that readers slow down to ponder and digest its riches.

I found the following aspects of the book particularly praiseworthy:

  • Each chapter begins with a testimonial from a cross-cultural worker that relates to the spiritual pathway that will be explored in the chapter.
  • While Lamp explores the classic pathways such as solitude and the “rule of life” (daily or regularly planned spiritual disciplines), he also includes pathways not often thought of as spiritual disciplines such as hospitality and forgiveness.
  • Each chapter draws to a close with “Reflection and Points to Ponder” containing questions for personal reflection or for use in group study.
  • After the reflection questions, there is an annotated list of suggested resources for people who want to explore more deeply the pathway introduced in the chapter.

It is easy to recommend that this book become the “go to” resource for helping new missionaries develop a pattern of practicing spiritual disciplines as part of their pre-field preparation. It would also be helpful for use with cross-cultural workers who are struggling to maintain their spiritual vitality amid their ministries. While the content of the book could be valuably covered in an intensive retreat setting, it would likely prove to be more helpful spread out over time to allow readers time for reflection and implementation."


Ironic as the opening statement may seem, cross-cultural workers show a pattern of pouring themselves into ministry while running their own souls dry. The heavy demands of missionary work and cross-cultural living can become barriers to personal, consistent spiritual discipline.

While many books have been written on spiritual discipline, few address it in the context of cross-cultural work. Herbert Lamp draws on his own experience of serving in eastern Europe, and his leadership of spiritual formation retreats for missionaries, to write Journey with Me Lamp’s book provides a basic introduction to foundational spiritual disciplines and practices that, though critical to all believers, are particularly necessary to those in cross-cultural ministry. 

Each chapter begins with a testimonial from a cross-cultural worker relevant to the spiritual pathway that will be discussed. Journey with Me is warmly recommended as a “go to” resource for missionaries, new and experienced.  

Save 20% off of the paperback and eBook with code JOURNEYBLOG at checkout!


Rave Review of Unity Through Repentence

By D Wynn
on July 15, 2022

5 star review of Unity Through Repentance book

In an age where humility and repentance are countercultural qualities, it's a beautiful thing when those with ears to hear do hear the "clarion call" that is wonderfully illustrated in Thomas and Amy Cogdell's book "Unity Through Repentance." 

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Beyond Poverty on Logos!

By DG Wynn
on June 29, 2022

You'll know Terry as the founder and coordinator of the Global CHE Network, an alliance of Christian ministries using a single strategy for Christ-centered development (community health evangelism) in 136 countries.

WCP author of Beyond Poverty Terry Dalrymple was invited to write a blog for LOGOS as they launch the pre-order of his book on their platform. 

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"Unboxing" a Miracle!

By WCP Team
on June 16, 2022

William Carey Publishing is celebrating with Thomas Cogdell as he unboxes his brand-new book Unity Through Repentance. Thomas’ first comment as he pulls the first sleek copy from the box and presents it to the camera is, “This is truly a miracle to be holding this book.” All that conspired to bring this story to the written page hints at the hand of God.

After showing the book to the camera, Cogdell places a sticker on the cover with the tag “#notmybook”, naming several individuals who shared in bringing this book to life. He finishes with recognizing God’s role in the publishing of Unity Through Repentance, and specifically prays John 17 over those who read itMake them one… so that the world would believe.

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The Good Book Blog Interview about Insider Church!

By WCP Team
on June 16, 2022
The Good Book Blog Interview about Insider Church!

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Christianity Today Reviews Environmental Missions!

By WCP Team
on June 16, 2022

"Christians in Asia, Europe, and North America will gather monthly from spring to fall to offer intercessory prayers ahead of the United Nations climate change conference scheduled for Glasgow, Scotland, in November.

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Language Learning and TESOL Conferences

By WCP Team
on June 16, 2022

If you are on the field, or you are considering to ministry non-English speakers, you may be interested in two upcoming conferences about language learning in Ministry. Language learning that equips you for ministry is crucial if the ultimate goal is to tell people about Jesus. 

#1: International Congress on Language Learning (ICLL)

#2: Christian English Language Educations Association (CELEA)

#3: FREE Resource on Language and Culture Tips

#4: Books to Consider

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