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The Realities of Money and Missions Celebrated by EMQ

By WCP Team
on August 02, 2023

Did you see that EMQ wrote a great review of The Realities of Money and Missions?

ACU Professor and missiologist Chris Flanders highlights the book's engaging dialogue, its wide-ranging scope, and the invaluable perspectives it presents on the complex interplay between finance and global mission work.

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Celebrating Positive Reviews: Mobilizing Gen Z Praised by EMQ

By WCP Team
on July 26, 2023
We are absolutely delighted to see Ed Smither’s positive review of Jolene Erlacher and Katy White’s Mobilizing Gen Z in EMQ (Evangelical Missions Quarterly). Smither commends the book’s illuminating perspective on Gen Z and their role in global missions, making this a highly recommended read for multiple audiences.

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The Way You Start a Movement Is How You Finish It

By WCP Team
on July 19, 2023
The end goal of movement work should never be the advancement of the missionary organization or the missionary. Movements flourish when they heed the three-self formula. Leaders emerge from the local context. Growth occurs through the work and funding of those within that context.

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Is Cowardice Worthy of Hell?

By WCP Team
on July 12, 2023
In Facing Fear, Anna Hampton discusses some basics of Hebrew grammar and briefly address the Old and New Testament teaching on fear and courage. While there was not space to include all that Scripture mentions about cowardice, the following is just a brief discussion of a key verse often cited related to Biblical teaching on cowardice

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5 Benefits of Learning Communities for Generating Movement Growth

By WCP Team
on July 05, 2023
Learning Communities (LC) are a central element to long-term movement growth. These venues train through modeling. Leaders learn through concrete experience in small groups of peers and then replicate what they have learned with others.

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Rethinking How Movement Leadership Works

By WCP Team
on June 28, 2023
Impacting Eternity highlights a key leadership practice that results in movement breakthrough. I call it “Catalyze a Decentralized Movement.”

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The Spirit’s Work in Impacting Eternity

By WCP Team
on June 21, 2023

Do you want to be a part of a movement?

Then you must realize that it is about seeing what God is doing and getting involved with that. This depends upon your willingness to invest in discerning and resting in God’s presence. We cannot forget this simple, biblical principle. All other “best practices” depend on it.

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Why Movements Produce Fruit 

By WCP Team
on June 14, 2023

Robert Reach thinks of movement fruit in terms of Jesus’ parable of the mustard seed. Christ said that the gospel is the smallest of all seeds, but it bears the largest of fruit. This is what is occurring around the world in movements, and this fact has driven Reach to ask why this is the case.

Reach wants to know how the gospel produces such fruit through movements. This question drove his research and writing of Impacting Eternity.

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Two Reviews from Marti Wade

By WCP Team
on June 05, 2023
Here are two reviews by Marti Wade on Grit to Stay Grace to Go as well as Missionary Motivations.

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Brief Statement from William Carey Publishing on Brad Vaughn, formerly known as Jackson Wu

By WCP Team
on April 05, 2023

WCP is aware of recent controversy and confusion related to Brad Vaughn’s pseudonym and book review. As the publisher of One Gospel for All Nations: A Practical Approach to Biblical Contextualization, published in 2015, we want to inform our readers that we have removed the pseudonym “Jackson Wu” from the cover of the book, and we have replaced it with the author’s real name, Brad Vaughn. The pseudonym has also been replaced on our website and in all metadata. All previous copies of the book have been recycled.

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