Writing Exceptional Missionary Newsletters
Want to write a newsletter or e-mail that friends will read instead of merely scan?
Writing Exceptional Missionary Newsletters shows anyone who writes personal ministry newsletters how to captivate readers. This revised edition offers more ideas for better online communication like e-mail and Facebook. It shows how to increase your letter’s impact and provides tips for how often to send your newsletters, e-newsletters, and posts. It is for seasoned and new missionaries, church leaders, mission organizations, mission boards, and any person encouraging missionaries to communicate well.
• The key secret to an exceptional newsletter
• What not to do with a photo
• Fresh topic ideas for newsletters
• Tips for effective online communication—e-mail, Facebook, websites and more
• What most missionaries miss in their newsletters and communication
• Simple ways to dramatically take your writing to the next level
• Tips for sending newsletters from overseas
Sandy hit a home run with her book. It fills a huge gap in missions. For over thirty years I have trained and coached missionaries to raise their support. I pound the table about how vital it is to not only communicate regularly with their partners who generously give and pray, but also how essential it is for their communications to be well written. “Writing Exceptional Missionary Newsletters” should be on the required reading list for any missionary who raises support.
Ellis GoldsteinNational Director of Ministry Partner Development for Cru
Sandy has done an outstanding job of telling us how to build a partnership relationship with donors through motivating newsletters in very specific and practical ways.
Jerry Bridgesauthor of The Pursuit of Holiness and other bestsellers
Sandy has done the hard work of diving into the details to help mediocre writers become good and to help good writers become even better. You won’t be disappointed.
Scott Mortonauthor of Funding Your Ministry
This book is a “must read” for all missionaries who want to communicate effectively with their prayer and donor support teams. It is packed with practical ideas and examples. I have used many of the lessons from this book which has also become my reference “Bible” in writing prayer letters.
Bob ReehmNavigator Representative and author
This book stirred my motivation for effective communication and gave practical helps. I used two of the ideas in an appeal letter and God brought an increase in funds.
Mike SchmidNavigator Representative
Sometimes people lose interest in a ministry because of meager newsletters. Sandy brings a fresh and visual approach to help mission workers improve how they communicate on paper. Easy step-by-step processes, quality examples, helpful checklists, and fun anecdotes make this book necessary for any communicator.
Rev. Skip TaylorTraining Director for International Christian Ministries
For seven years, I served as senior pastor to a church that sponsored sixteen missionaries. Some of their newsletters garnered little attention; others gripped my heart. This book shows how to capture the reader’s heart. It is necessary for any missionary seeking to cultivate a broad and effective support base, and multiply his or her work for the Kingdom of God.
Roger VanDerWerkenU.S. Navy Chaplain and author
I wish this had been available to me years ago. I heartily recommend it.
Dr. Jerry Whiteformer International Director of The Navigators
Additional Details
- Pages: 158
- Publisher: William Carey Library
- Binding: Paperback
- Publish Year: 2013
- ISBN: 9780878084883
- Vendor: William Carey Library