Some disciples of Christ burst onto the scene with a Damascus Road experience and many, many others walk a path closer to that of the James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were going about their work and simply responded to Jesus’ call to follow with obedience.
Eric Nevins, the founder and host of the Halfway There Podcast would have fit in well on the path with James and John. He too had a steady, albeit not soul-filling, job that he walked away from to follow Jesus’ call on his life. But the story would be too simple if we left it at that.
With a pastoral heart and giftings, Eric leans more towards being a shepherd of souls than a pulpit preacher. As he came out of college in the mid 2000’s, he knew seminary was the logical next step. Providentially, Denver Seminary, had a new concentration in spiritual formation that could be added to their traditional master of divinity degree program. This was perfect for Eric. Additionally, Denver Seminary’s unique blend of spiritual and practical mentorship allowed him to hone his natural pastoral gifts and by the time he was graduating, he felt ready to step into a discipleship pastor position.
But that’s not what happened.
Of all times to graduate seminary and look for a non-pulpit pastoral position, Eric graduated in 2009 when the national recession was at its peak and pastoral staffs were being slashed across the country. To take care of his family he found a job in finance. It wasn’t his passion or his calling, but it did provide and allow time and space for his calling to percolate while a new medium was birthed: Podcasting.
Fast forward to 2016 and the Halfway There Podcast was born with the intent to engage in, “honest conversations with ordinary Christians about today's Christian experience.” Eric interviews Olympians, moms, businessmen, authors, and more. His goal is to hear his subject’s unique expression of how they follow Jesus and to let that inspire his listeners as a virtual experience of iron sharpening iron.
With a steady growth in the last three years of subscribers and downloads, Halfway There was noticed by New Media Summit as one of the “icons of influence” for both 2018 and 2019. Having produced 150+ episodes by the time this blog was written, Eric is in this for the long haul and has learned some incredibly valuable lessons that he’d like to share with William Carey Publishing authors and others on how to be interviewed on a podcast.
In a four-part series, Eric Nevins will share tactical and practical details on How to be a GREAT Podcast Guest. You’ll learn insights on the secrets of interviewing well on a podcast and so much more. Look for Parts 1-4 being posted throughout the month.
To connect with Eric directly, go to Definitely check out at or
And, many of William Carey authors will be popping up on Eric's podcast over the next few months, but take a listen to J.D. Payne's interview by Eric on Roland Allen's The Ministry of Expansion: The Priesthood of the Laity
Want a special discount on J.D. Payne's book? Use code READTHEBLOG at checkout for a surprise discount!
Roland Allen's The Ministry of Expansion: The Priesthood of the Laity