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Restored to Freedom from Fear, Guilt, and Shame (SEANET 13)

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Understanding Fear, Guilt, and Shame Cultures
1. Beauty for Ashes: Culture, Conflict, and Reconciliation in a Buddhist Context
Mary Adams Trujillo
2. Three Distinct Cultural Views of Reality and Its Relation to Our Missional Calling
Steve Spaulding
3. “They Don’t Feel Guilty!?!”: Biblical Ethics and Morality in Honor-Shame Cultures
Jayson Georges

Communicating in Fear, Guilt, and Shame Cultures
4. Suitable Messages for Fear, Guilt, and Shame Buddhist Cultures
Alex G. Smith
5. Transformational Mission in Fear Cultures in the Buddhist World and Beyond
David S. Lim
6. How to Communicate the Gospel in a Shame Culture: Some Thoughts on the Skill of Japanese “Noh”
Timothy Hwang Taeyun
7. Christian Observation of Buddhist Fear Expressed in a Devil Dancing Ceremony
G. P. V. Somaratna

Restoring to Freedom from Fear, Guilt, and Shame
8. Reconciliation Through Purification Rituals in Communal Cultures
Cristian Dumitrescu
9. A Church Restored from Sin, Shame, and Fear in a Tibetan Context
Christian Gabre
10. Seeking Social Reconciliation for India’s Dalits Through Buddhism
Sunil Sardar
11. Reconciling to Self, Others, and God?: The Gospel Responding to Fear, Guilt, and Shame in Thailand
Daniëlle Koning

by: Paul H. De Neui (Editor)
SEANET proudly presents Restored to Freedom from Fear, Guilt, and Shame, volume 13 in its series on intercultural and inter-religious studies.

These three cultural orientations impact the shaping and expression of worldview. While all are present to a certain extent in every context, this volume draws from the expressions and insights found from within the Buddhist world.

Understanding orientations differing from our own helps us understand more of ourselves, part of the enrichment resulting in the process of encounter. We require the lens of the world in order to better recognize our own cultural blindness.

We use the word “restoration” believing that it is God’s purpose to restore all that was lost through fear, guilt, and shame back to the original status of power, honor, and innocence through reconciliation on all levels. This volume is for all who seek restoration to freedom for self and others.

Additional Details

  • Pages: 279
  • Publisher: William Carey Library
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Publish Year: 2017
  • ISBN: 9780878085279
  • Vendor: William Carey Library