Miriam Adeney
Miriam grew up in Oregon and is still at home among the vast evergreen forests and blue lakes beside the unpredictable Pacific. Always active on school newspapers, Miriam earned an MA in journalism from Syracuse University, and continues to make writing a priority. For Christianity Today, she has served as a writer, senior editorial consultant, and longtime Board member. That led to her writing the CT editorial titled “Think Globally, Love Globally” immediately following the World Trade Center disaster on September 11, 2001.
Bookending Miriam’s journalism degree are a BA and a PhD in anthropology (Wheaton College and Washington State University). For many years Miriam has served as a professor of applied anthropology and missiology at Seattle Pacific University. Simultaneously she has crossed the Canadian border regularly to teach at Regent College. Miriam consults for Christians in wide range of cultures, from a pig-selling business in Sumatra to a toilet cleaning caste in Pakistan to researchers on childraising in Iran.
She grew up in a home that loved the Word, the church, and God’s world. To those passions she added a quest to understand culturally-contextualized communication. For four years during her twenties, Miriam directed publications for the Philippine InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.
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