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Herbert F. Lamp, Jr.

Herbert F. Lamp, Jr. has been a global worker since 1981. Along with his wife, Debbie, he has lived and ministered in Serbia, Austria, and Germany. In 2009, they joined Barnabas International where they presently shepherd global workers on five continents. They have traveled to over sixty countries in their teaching and pastoral ministry. He is an ordained Baptist minister and holds a DMin in spiritual formation from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Herb has three children, three grandchildren, and one grand dog. 

Herbert F. Lamp, Jr. ha sido un obrero global desde 1981. Junto con su esposa, Debbie, ha vivido y ejercido su ministerio en Serbia, Austria y Alemania. En 2009, se unieron a Barnabas International, donde actualmente pastorean obreros globales en cinco continentes. Han viajado a más de sesenta países en su ministerio de enseñanza y pastoral. Es un ministro bautista ordenado y posee un doctorado en formación espiritual del Seminario Teológico Gordon-Conwell. Herb tiene tres hijos, tres nietos y un perro nieto.

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