Dear Readers,
We are excited to share a heartfelt letter from a fellow reader of Stick Figures Saves the World! Gloria Dunaway, a proud member of Whitesburg Baptist Church in Huntsville, AL wrote to the author Pam Arlund.
In this letter, you'll hear about how the book has transformed the Acteens program at their church and encouraged a group of young girls to share Jesus' stories with newfound courage. It’s a testament to the power of storytelling (with stick figures) and faith, reminding us all that even the simplest of tales can have a world-changing effect. Read on to discover the journey from Huntsville, Alambama to hearts worldwide:
Hi Pam,
My name is Gloria Dunaway; I live in Huntsville, AL and am a member of Whitesburg Baptist Church. My husband heard you speak there during his Perspectives course and knew I would love your book: Stick Figures Save the World, Actually, it's Jesus Who Saves the World! (spoiler: he was right!)
I get to help with the Acteens program at Whitesburg on Wednesday nights, and we are going to go through Stick Figures this semester. I read it, and mentioned it to a friend of mine who directs the Acteens program, she read it and passed it along to her daughter who is a missionary overseas, and the list keeps going... We have all devoured Stick Figures Save the World like our favorite cookie... !
I mostly just wanted to say: THANK YOU!!! for this book. It has taken the "scary" out of telling Jesus stories, and the Lord IS using it. It has given me the courage to tell His stories with unbelievers.
Thank you again for this book. Immense gratitude and love coming from the Rocket city to you and the Lord!
-Gloria Dunaway
If you love this story as much as we do, we encourage you to read more about Stick Figures Save the World!