How to be a GREAT Podcast Guest - Part 4

- by guest contributor Eric Nevins -

If you haven't already, please check out Parts 1, 2, and 3 in the "How to be a GREAT Podcast Guest" blog series focusing on "How to find podcasts that are right for your book"  and "How to prepare for a podcast interview" and "Mistakes to avoid on podcasts". 

In this fourth blog in the series, we tackle what to do after you've done the podcast.

Part 4: After the interview 

Once you found a podcast, prepared for the interview, avoided some key mistakes, and recorded the interview, what now? Just like the process of writing a book, it’s a mistake to think your work is done once the interview is over. Instead, think of the interview as only the beginning of the relationship. If you develop enough relationships, the next time you publish a book, your network will support the release of that book and you will sell more books.


The 2 Must-Do Steps After the Podcast

1. Network
    • Stay connected with the podcaster by following their feeds on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and any other social sites you enjoy.

    • Introduce others who would be good for the show to the podcaster. If the show is an interview format, the podcaster is always looking for someone else to interview and you are likely connected in a niche they are interested in. If that’s a case, think of two or three friends who are also open to doing podcast interviews and send an introduction email (with permission from all parties, of course).

    2. Share widely—On the day the show is released, be sure to share it around social media as widely as possible. Consider the following platforms to share:
        • Facebook
          • Groups of people interested in your topic
          • Your Facebook author page
          • Personal profile
        • Twitter
        • Instagram
        • LinkedIn
        • Pinterest

      Extra Credit—Send the podcaster a thank you note. It’ll make their day and they will definitely remember you when you have another book come out!

        You can be a great podcast guest if you take these few steps. Good luck! And happy podcasting!


        William Carey Publishing would like to share a special thank you to Eric Nevins for generously sharing his expertise with our authors and other authors who find our blog. He is a valued partner and a great podcaster! 


        To connect with Eric directly, go to Definitely check out at or

        And, many of William Carey authors will be popping up on Eric's podcast over the next few months, but take a listen to J.D. Payne's interview by Eric on Roland Allen's The Ministry of Expansion: The Priesthood of the Laity