How to be a GREAT Podcast Guest - Part 3

- by guest contributor Eric Nevins -

You likely already read Part 1 and 2 in the "How to be a GREAT Podcast Guest" blog series focusing on "How to find podcasts that are right for your book"  and "How to prepare for a podcast interview" but if not, then check them out. 

In this third blog in the series, we tackle classic mistakes that podcast guests make and how to avoid them.

Part 3: The Mistakes Podcast Guests Most Often Make

In the previous installments of this blog series, we discussed how to find podcasts that fit your content and how to prepare for a podcast interview.


Today, we talk about the things that can go wrong. A good podcast interview will introduce you to a whole new audience with a chance to make some of that audience your own as people get to know, like, and trust you. A bad interview will do the opposite. Needless to say, the price of getting it wrong is not one you want to pay, so let’s discuss what not to do during podcast interviews.


The Seven Biggest Mistakes Podcast Guests Make:


  1. Don’t know the format—If you followed our previous advice and listened to two episodes of the podcast you’re appearing on, this won’t be a problem. But if you haven’t, then you run the risk of not being prepared for questions. I was once on a podcast where the host asks the same questions of all his guests. When I listened to some of his episodes, you could tell the people who had no idea what they were in for or why they were there. They simply tried to roll with the punches and ended up taking one on the chin.

  2. Don’t focus on the audience—Your focus should never be on yourself during a podcast interview. Rather, focus on providing something valuable to the guest’s audience. It will be obvious if you are only trying to sell books and not provide solutions to problems people have.

  3. Don’t be vulnerable—You may be tempted to refuse to engage the style of the interviewer and only want to talk about your content, not your life. Remember, the more you share about yourself, the more people will know, like, and trust you and, therefore, the more likely they will be to purchase your book. The opposite can also be true if you deflect and refuse to get deep into your content. It may be tempting to try and save your best stories and ideas for the book, but you should share them in the interview. You will not be able to share it all in one conversation if you tried so open up and dig in.

  4. Don’t have a good connection—Most podcasters spend excessive amounts of time trying to improve their audio quality. Respect their hard work by taking your audio seriously as well. If possible, plug your computer into your router and never use public WiFi to record the conversation.

  5. Don’t know how to reach them—Be sure to have your website, Twitter, and Facebook links nearby and ready to share. Some people give out an email address but I recommend against it. Rather, share your website and mention that you have a contact page (you do, right?) and then be ready to respond if anyone uses it.

  6. Don’t offer something special for the audience—If you want to put yourself in the top tier of podcast guests, provide something special to the audience. This will allow you to track how many people come into your audience as a result of the interview.

  7. Don’t answer questions and criticize the host—The worst thing you could do is refuse to join in the podcast’s way of doing things. If you avoid questions or seem annoyed by them, you will miss the later benefits. Build a relationship that will serve you and your book today while also being valuable to you tomorrow.


Have you made some of these mistakes when doing podcast interviews? Don’t worry if you have because there will always be an opportunity to get better at interviews.


In the final installment of the "How to be a GREAT Podcast Guest" blog series, we will talk about what to do after the interview.



To connect with Eric directly, go to Definitely check out at or

And, many of William Carey authors will be popping up on Eric's podcast over the next few months, but take a listen to J.D. Payne's interview by Eric on Roland Allen's The Ministry of Expansion: The Priesthood of the Laity