Best Mission Books of 2020

Best Mission Books of 2020

Readers recommend this year’s “must reads”

In a survey done by Catalyst Services, readers submitted their favorites for "Best Mission Books in 2020" and William Carey Publishing has the privilege of announcing that our authors were recognized for 3 of the 14 best books on the 2020 list! 

Congratulations to Michael Cooper for "Ephesiology" being the named best MISSIOLOGY book; to Sue Eenigenburg & Suzy Grumelot for "Sacred Siblings" for best CROSS-CULTURAL MINISTRY book; and for David Jacob for "It's Your Call" named best CROSS-CULTURAL WORKER RECRUITMENT AND PREPARATION.  

It is the biggest compliment to us all when we receive the praise of our readers. Thank you to anyone who participated in the survey, and to those who are just hearing about our winners, check them out, they are worth the read!