Transforming Mission Theology
Missiology Permeated with Theological Reflection
This volume is the culmination of Van Engen’s teachings, but takes us to an even deeper level. Since mission is first and foremost God’s mission, theological reflection must be permeated by missiological understanding and our missiology must be permeated with theological reflection. Mission theology is an activity of the Church of Jesus Christ seeking to understand more deeply why, how, when, where, and wherefore the followers of Jesus may participate in God’s mission, in God’s world.
Beyond loving God, what is more important than loving our neighbor? If today our neighbors are global—as shown by the labels in the clothes we wear, the food we eat, the components in our electronics—then hardly anything is more important than missions. It is through missions that we live out God’s love for our global neighbors. This book distills the wisdom of a lifetime in missions. It is biblical, showing how Moses, David, Isaiah, and Paul explored God’s love for the nations. It is theological, because without theology faith will be flat, superficial, and soon skewed and bent. It is the grassroots mission of dusty feet and sweaty students, tears and abrazos and roars of laughter. It is stewardly mission that recognizes better and worse ways to do the work, and critiques strategies so as to find the best. This book is the culminating work of one of the preeminent missiologists of our time. Read it and learn.
Miriam Adeney, PhDassociate professor of missiology, Seattle Pacific University author, Kingdom Without Borders and Wealth, Women, and God
To my knowledge, Charles Van Engen at the School of Intercultural Studies of Fuller Theological Seminary was the first professor of Biblical theology of mission in North America, and his influence is worldwide. In this volume, we have a harvest of the fruit from his career of teaching and writing about mission theology. This work should be a standard textbook for courses in world mission and missiology.
Gerald H. Anderson, PhDdirector emeritus of the Overseas Ministries Study Center, New Haven, CT former editor, International Bulletin of Mission Research
This book is the product of not only many years of thinking theologically about mission, but also actually doing it. Chuck Van Engen writes with his usual passion, creativity, and clarity. These pages come alive with his deep faith and wide-ranging theological wisdom. To read this book is to sit at the feet of a teacher who has himself sat long at The Master’s feet and has walked long ways with him.
Stephen Bevans, SVD, PhDLouis J. Luzbetak, SVD Professor of Mission and Culture, emeritus, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago
Transforming Mission Theology is the book I have been waiting for, vintage Van Engen. This volume integrates much of what Chuck has been teaching over many years, but takes it to deeper places. Mission in the world confronts us with many complex, challenging situations. The methodology outlined using the four domains of mission theology is a tremendously helpful tool for reflecting thoughtfully on the complex realities in the world.
Jude Tiersma Watson, PhDInnerChange, a Christian Order Among the Poor associate professor of urban mission, Fuller Seminary
Van Engen, drawing on forty years of studying, critiquing, and living out his theology of mission, has written what will likely become a classic in missiology of the stature of David Bosch’s Transforming Mission. It’s historical depth, ecumenical breath, evangelical spirit, cross-cultural awareness, and deep personal commitment to God’s mission in the world, make this book an outstanding contribution to mission theology. It will become and remain a classic for many years to come.
Darrell Whiteman, PhDmissiological anthropologist former editor, International Bulletin of Mission Research anthropology and dean of the E. Stanley Jones School of World Mission and evangelism, Asbury Theological Seminary
Additional Details
- Pages: 436
- Publisher: William Carey Library
- Binding: Paperback
- Publish Year: 2017
- ISBN: 9780878086351
- Vendor: William Carey Library