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Challenging Islamic Traditions

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Table of Contents

Transliteration Table

Part I
Critical Issues
1. The Challenges of Identifying the Hadith
2. Attitudes of Scholars toward the Hadith
3. The Relationships between Qur’an and Hadith
4. Muhammad’s Variant Behavior
5. Results of Contradictory Hadiths
6. The Next Generations
7. Compilation of the Hadith
8. Isnād and Transmitter Problems

Part II
Contrasts with Biblical Teaching
9. Differing Views of God
10. The Character and Actions of Muhammad
Compared with Jesus11. Muhammad and Jesus, Vengeance and Violence

12. Women in the Hadith
13. History, Heaven, and Hell

Part III
Challenges from Other Perspecti ves
14. Scientific Problems in the Hadith
15. Political, Social, Financial, and Legal Policies
16. Human Rights Concerns

Part IV
Practical Implications
17. To Challenge or Not to Challenge?
18. Conclusion
Appendix: Qur’anic Verses Referred to in al-Bukhāri’s Hadith

Book Format: Paperback
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