Local Theology for the Global Church
Local Theology for the Global Church
Principles for an Evangelical Approach to Contextualization
by: Matthew Cook (Editor), Rob Haskell (Editor), Ruth Julian (Editor), Natee Tanchanpongs (Editor)
As the church in the global south continues to grow at a rapid pace, the question of how to develop local theologies becomes more and more urgent. This book charts a path forward through exegetical, theological and cultural analysis by scholars who are wrestling with the issues in their own situations around the globe. The contents were developed under the auspices of the World Evangelical Alliance Theological Commission at the Oxford contextualization consultation.
This book was published in partnership with the World Evangelical Alliance.
This important book is not for missiologists only but for theologians, pastors, and everyday Christians trying to live out the one true faith in situations that bear no cultural resemblance to biblical times. Written by an international array of younger evangelical voices aware of but not intimidated by postmodern and global challenges, these essays well represent the state of the contextualizing art.
Kevin J. VanhoozerBlanchard Professor of Theology Wheaton College Graduate School
This fine symposium takes the ongoing evangelical debate over contextualization to new levels. With authors drawn from all continents, it probes the issue with a combination of dynamic biblical faithfulness and creativity on the one hand, and thorough exploration of theological, missiological and practical questions and challenges on the other. It should be a highly commended textbook for a wide range of practitioners, from Bible translators to church planters and theological educators in all cultures.
Christopher J. H. WrightInternational Director, Langham Partnership International Author of The Mission of God
Additional Details
- Pages: 256
- Publisher: William Carey Library
- Binding: Paperback
- Publish Year: 2010
- ISBN: 9780878081110
- Vendor: William Carey Library