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Professional Guidelines for Christian English Teachers

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Table of Contents

Abbreviations and Definitions


1. Introduction
2. Biblical Foundation
3. Goals and Models: What We Teach and How We Teach It at the Program Level

4. “This Is Who I Am”: Being Transparent about Our Identity as Teachers
5. Going Deep: Questions about What’s Important

Additional Resources A: Resources for Conversation

Additional Resources B: “Dark Side” Lesson
6.  “Who Are You and What Matters to You?” Getting Students to Communicate

Additional Resources: What Do You Believe?
7. How We Relate to Each Other: Cultivating Respect

Additional Resources A: Principles from I Beg to Differ

Additional Resources B: Respectful Disagreement
8. Good Teaching: Balance and Excellence

Additional Resources: Three Lessons That Illustrate Balance
9. Good Teaching: Critical Thinking

Additional Resources: Two Lessons That Encourage Critical Thinking
10. Power Dynamics: Appropriate Teacher-Student Relationships
11. Outside the Classroom

Additional Resources: Four Examples of Real CETs Having an Impact Outside of Class
12. Spiritual Reality: Nurturing Our Spiritual Lives and Praying for Students

More Teaching Ideas
1. “Love One Another” (Song) Lesson Plan
2. “Love Remains” (Song) Lesson Plan
3. Kindness (Video) Lesson Plan
4. Julia Alvarez’s “Snow” (Short Story) Lesson Plan
5. Teaching Ideas for Poetry: Edwin A. Robinson’s “Richard Cory”
6. Teaching Ideas for Sayings, Proverbs, or Quotations
7. Published Textbooks: Adding More



Professional Guidelines for Christian English Teachers
How to be a Teacher with Convictions While Respecting Those of your Students
by: Kitty Purgason (Author)
This handbook is for people in the field of English language teaching who are looking for practical ways to be both committed followers of Jesus and ethical TESOL professionals. What do such teachers actually do in the classroom? What materials do they use? How do they relate to their students and colleagues in and outside the classroom? How can they treat students as whole people, with spiritual and religious identities? How can they set a high bar for ethical teaching?

Professional Guidelines for Christian English Teachers has grown out of Kitty Purgason’s experience as a Christian seeking to follow the Great Commandment and the Great Commission, as a practitioner with a deep concern for excellence and integrity, and as a teacher trainer with experience in many parts of the world.


  • [Kitty Purgason has] written a wonderfully balanced and useful book, and it exudes what a follower of Christ can do, say, and be in the classroom. I especially appreciated [the] chapter on "critical thinking" which so often means, "think intelligently like me." This is a terrific resource for those of us who believe that our profession is our faith in action.

    Tom ScovelProfessor Emeritus of TESOL, San Francisco State University

Additional Details

  • Pages: 234
  • Publisher: William Carey Library
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Publish Year: 2016
  • ISBN: 9780878084975
  • Vendor: William Carey Publishing