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English Language Teaching in Theological Contexts

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Part A: Contexts and Programs

1. Serving Seminary Students with a University Intensive English Program by Karen Schwenke

2. Starting at Zero: A Two-year English Preparation Program for Polish Seminary Students by Carole Poleski

3. Individualized Support for ESL Students During Theological Studies by Amy Spencer

4. One Body, One Spirit: The Integrity of Institutional Goals and Instructional Decisions by Leslie Altena

5. Enculturation to American academic Expectations: The Role of Peer Writing Tutor Programs by Jennifer Mawhorter

6. Moving from English Literature to General English to English for Theology by Iris Devadason

7. EFL for Theological Purposes in a Small, Changing Program by Urška Sešek

8. An English Program in a Post-Communist Context by Geraldine Ryan

9. Preparing Students to Read Theology in English: Adapting a Standard Curriculum to an Intensive Modular Format by Lois Thorpe

10. English for academic and Communicative Purposes in an International Seminary by Nancy Alvarez

11. A Diverse EFL Program for Both Seminary and Community Students by Jan Dormer

12. Cross-cultural Missionary Training and Language Learning: An English Training Program for Korean Christians by Susan Truitt

Part B: Materials

13. Theme-based ESL Course Design: Theological and Missiological English by Jeannie Chan Yee

14. Content-based ESL Materials: Combining Theology and English by Ethel Azariah

15. Integrating Skills in a Communicative EFL Textbook for Christians by Jan Dormer

16. Developing Reading Materials for Beginners by Geraldine Ryan

17. Extensive Reading Materials for Pre-seminary ESL Students by Nancy Schoenfeld

18. Content-based academic Listening: Biola University’s Theological English Through Video Series by Peggy Burke

19. Developing Theological Reading Materials with an Audio Option by Lois Thorpe

20. Cross-cultural Apologetics and Content-based English by Peggy Burke

21. Exploring Theological English: The Development of a Textbook by Cheri Pierson

22. Dictionary of Theological Terms in Simplified English and Student Workbook: A Resource for English-Language Learners by Cheri Pierson

23. A Test of Theological Vocabulary by Michael Lessard-Clouston


by: Kitty Purgason (Editor)
International students in North American seminaries struggling with academic work in English … Seminary students around the world finding resource materials that are still only available in English … Regional seminaries in Asia, Africa, and Europe educating people from many language backgrounds by offering instruction in English … These and other factors are the primary reasons for this volume.

Trends in the field of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) have led to specialized English and pedagogy for areas such as business, engineering, hospitality, and so on. The time has come to acknowledge English for Bible and Theology, along with specialized program design, materials, and instruction.

English Language Teaching in Theological Contexts explores various models for assisting seminary and Bible college students in learning English while also engaging in their theological coursework. It features chapters by specialists from countries including the U.S., Brazil, Ukraine, India, the Philippines, and Korea. Part one of the book presents language teaching challenges and solutions in various places; part two focuses on specific resources to inspire readers to develop their own materials.


  • Read the full review here (external site).

    Laura C. WoodruffAssistant Professor, SS Cyril & Methodius Seminary

  • I highly recommend this book for all theological institutions whose medium is English but whose student bodies - in whole or in part - are made up of non-native English speakers. It is a very welcome addition to the task of teaching theology worldwide.

    Larry W. Caldwell, PhDProfessor of Missions and Hermeneutics, Asian Theological Seminary, Manila

  • Theological institutions are increasingly facing the challenge of helping students achieve and adequate level of competence in the English language prior to and/or during their theological studies. [In] English Language Teaching in Theological Contexts ... readers will find a wide range of practical ideas to help them develop or improve such programs in their own context. I heartily recommend this helpful volume.

    Martin Culy, PhDAssociate Professor of New Testament and Greek, Briercrest College and Seminary, Caronport, SK, Canada

Additional Details

  • Pages: 224
  • Publisher: William Carey Library
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Publish Year: 2010
  • ISBN: 9780878084647
  • Vendor: William Carey Library