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Awakening the Hermit Kingdom

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1. American Protestant Missions in Korea, 1885-1907

2. The Making of Pioneer Women Missionaries for Korea

3. Journey to Korea

4. The Land of Korea and the American Missionary Women

5. Establishing Missionary Life in Korea

6. The Beginning of Women's Missionary Work in Korea, 1884-1889

7. Evangelism and the Geographical Expansion of Women's Work, 1890-1907

8. Women's Medical and Educational Work and Its Impact, 1890-1907





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Katherine H. Lee Ahn
Awakening the Hermit Kingdom: Pioneer American Women Missionaries in Korea gives a focused look at the long-ignored subject, the pioneer women missionaries to the Hermit Kingdom, as the early missionaries often called Korea. Based largely on private papers and mission reports of the missionaries, the author explores the life and work of the American women missionaries in the first quarter century of the Protestant mission in Korea.

This book brings a new light to the history of Protestantism in Korea by revealing the identity and activities of the women missionaries, as well as the level of religious and social impact made by their presence and work in Korea.


  • Awakening the Hermit Kingdom: Pioneer American Women Missionaries in Korea is timely, needed, remarkably well researched and filled with delightful detail about the lives of women missionaries. Although the book is a scholarly piece of work it is still written in story form with fascinating details about the women missionaries' lives, personal struggles, and other aspects that make the reading engaging and inspiring.
    Samuel Hugh MoffettHenry Winters Luce Professor of Ecumenics and Mission, Emeritus Princeton Theological Seminary
  • This study of the first generation of missionary work in Korea focuses on the crucial role Western women played. Their dynamic vision and courage was remarkable. Relying on diaries and letters written by missionaries, Dr. Katherine Lee Anh captures this story admirably. She shows that the pioneering work of these missionary women established precedents that opened the way for pioneering work by Korean women in church and society. This is an indispensable part of the history of the modern mission movement.

    Wilbert R. Shenksenior professor of Mission History Fuller Graduate School of Intercultural Studies

Additional Details

  • Pages: 424
  • Publisher: William Carey Library
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Publish Year: 2009
  • ISBN: 9780878080120
  • Vendor: William Carey Publishing