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Jesus in the Buddha Belt

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Table of Contents

Author’s Promise and Invitation

Welcome to the Buddha Belt

PART 1 AUNG’S STORY: A Buddhist Monk’s Life Takes a Supernatural Turn

Unexpected Answer

Divorce or Miracle?

Thant and the Crazy Christians

Going Deeper: Trail Guides to Jesus

PART 2 BAWI’S STORY: Conversion from Christian Tradition to The Real Jesus


Village Fire

Love and Blindfolds

Going Deeper: Becoming Like a Buddhist (to Win Some to Jesus)

PART 3 LIN’S STORY: The Bright and Dark Side of Christian Mission in Myanmar


Murder Plot

Inside Addiction

Going Deeper: A Prince, the Bride, and Jesus

PART 4 THA GYI’S STORY: Unprecedented Opportunity in the Urban Youth Scene

Yangon City Lights

New Friends, New Life

Something Missing

Going Deeper: Repainting the White Colonialist Jesus

Epilogue: Joining God’s Story

Appendix 1: Discussion and Prayer Guide

Appendix 2: Insights for Mission

Appendix 3: How to Use

Suggestions for Further Reading
