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Motus Dei

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Introducing Motus Dei


Part I — The Big Picture of Movements

Chapter 1 — Movements Today: A Primer from Multiple Perspectives

Chapter 2 — Observations Over Fifteen Years of Disciple Making Movements

Chapter 3 — Addressing Theological and Missiological Objections to CPM/DMM

Chapter 4 — How Exactly Do We Know What We Know about Kingdom Movements?

Chapter 5 — How Movements Count

Part II — Missional Theology of Movements

Chapter 6 — A Biblical Missiology of Kingdomization through Disciple Multiplication Movements of House Church Networks

Chapter 7 —The Word Spread through the Whole Region: Acts and church planting movements

Chapter 8 — God’s Expanding Family: The Social Architecture of Ekklesia Movements

Chapter 9 — John’s Missiological Theology: The Contribution of the Forth Gospel to the First-Century Movement in Roman Asia

Chapter 10 — Households of Peace: Relationships, Boundaries, and the Gospel

Part III — Movement Dynamics

Chapter 11 — Why Movements Rise and Fall

Chapter 12 — From Her Perspective: Women and Multiplication Movements

Chapter 13 — How Ethnodoxology Drives Movements

Chapter 14 — Media to Movements: A church planting Fusion

Chapter 15 — Terra Nova: Opportunities of Movement Work in Diaspora Contexts

Part IV — Case Studies

Chapter 16 — The Way of Life: Transference of Spiritual DNS within Movements in East Africa

Chapter 17 — Bhojpuri Case Study

Chapter 18 — A Thai Multiplication Movement

Chapter 19 — Movements in Iran and Algeria: The Second-Generation Challenge

Part V — Movement Leadership and Next Steps

Chapter 20 — The Profile of an Effective Movement Catalyst

Chapter 21 — Pursuing Movements: An Organizational Paradigm Shift

Chapter 22 — Maturing the Missiological Discourse on Discipleship Movements




Motus Dei
The Movement of God to Disciple the Nations
Warrick Farah, editor

Discover Your Place in the Movement of God

An incredible breakthrough in missions history is taking place as disciples of Jesus make more disciples of Jesus around the globe, particularly among the least-reached. But what exactly are these church planting or disciple making movements? Where are they occurring and what are their unifying features? How are they manifesting in diverse populations? And can you or your organization be instrumental in catalyzing more movements? Motus Dei, Latin for “movement of God,” seeks to answer these questions and more.

Warrick Farah has expertly synthesized an extensive conversation between mission practitioners, scholars, and seasoned movement leaders from around the world. The resulting in-depth analysis of movements provides a multi-disciplinary academic investigation of an emerging “movements missiology,” highlighting the importance of theology, social sciences, ethnology and anthropology, communications theory, leadership theory, and statistical analysis. Motus Dei locates the current church planting movement (CPM) phenomenon within modern history, while tracing its roots back to the first century, and articulates a missiological description of the dynamics of Disciple Making Movements (DMMs) in Asia, Africa, and diaspora contexts in the Global North.

Offering over thirty first-hand accounts of indigenous churches planting churches among the nations, Motus Dei provides a seedbed for growing movements in diverse contexts. There are lessons to be learned here by anyone seeking to participate in the movement of God.

Want to see formal book reviews of Motus Dei? Click here.


  • There are more than three hundred thousand churches in the United States; that is twenty-three churches for every Starbucks. With so many good churches, most American pastors have never seen a movement of thousands of non-Christians becoming Christians. I wonder if that is why some church leaders have spoken out against movements. I listened as one critic referred to movements as “diabolical.” He should not have said that. I forgave him. Another referred to the work of some missionaries as “gimmicks.” I forgave him as well. But in non-Christian countries, we are praying for movements. Movements are always an answer to prayer. I think of Samuel Zwemer, the great “apostle to Islam,” who thanked God for five converts in his lifetime. Zwemer’s prayer was Luke 5:5—“Lord, we have fished all night and caught nothing, but at your word we will let down our nets again.” By a miracle, great numbers of fish filled the nets. Today, in a few parts of the non-Christian world, we are seeing what Zwemer longed to see. Let’s keep praying to the Lord of the harvest. This is what Motus Dei is all about. Warrick Farah tells the story of movements in this superb book.

    Robert A. Blincoe, PhD President Emeritus, Frontiers US

  • Issues surrounding movements have risen to the forefront of missiology, creating a need for a more robust theology of movements. Motus Dei is a window into the dynamic discussion that is reshaping how the global church is fulfilling the Great Commission. If there was any one book that provides the clearest snapshot of the current “state of movement missiology,” this is it.

    Ted Esler, PhD President, Missio Nexus

  • Any phenomenal movement of God that emerges with force and scale will attract both interest and critique. This volume is a comprehensive and reasoned response from a sterling collection of scholar-practitioners. Together they establish not only the plausibility of these ecclesial movements on the edges of God’s kingdom, but help the reader envision how a fresh movement can arise in their own neighborhood, city, or people.

    Brad Gill Editor, International Journal of Frontier Missiology

  • Much missiological energy has been spent to explore Christ-centered movements of the past: the early Wesleyans of Britain and the US, Dalit groups in southern India, and peoples of the mountains of the India-Myanmar border to name a few. Can such movements occur today? Do they occur today? Building on the 2020 Motus Dei consultation, Warrick Farah and team offer a significant collection exploring the reality of current Christ-centered movements. Their documentation, explanation, analysis, and reflection, seasoned by some contributors with needed critique, help us take vital steps forward in our understanding. I warmly commend this important compendium.

    David Greenlee, PhD Missiologist and Author, Operation Mobilization

  • Clarity, information, and encouragement. This collection on kingdom movements provides all three. The international contributors exhibit extensive ministry experience and keen scholarly expertise. The wide-ranging topics—biblical-historical, missional-theological, analytical, practical—are addressed with substance. Perhaps best of all is the winsome approach that acknowledges missiological tensions and questions, all the while affirming the contemporary surge of peoples to follow Jesus. Many thanks to the Motus Dei Network for this timely and constructive publication.

    Rev. J. Nelson Jennings, PhD Mission Pastor, Consultant, and International Liaison, Onnuri Church Editor, Global Missiology

Additional Details

  • Pages: 376
  • Publisher: William Carey Publishing
  • Binding: paperback
  • Publish Year: 2021
  • ISBN: 9781645083481
  • Vendor: William Carey Publishing