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The Church in Times of Crisis



Three areas of ministry are critical in the church: proclamation of the gospel, defense of the faith, and social justice. This is born out by Paul's praise of the Ephesian church. At we believe strongly that the church today must become like the churches of the first century. We believe that we must also demonstrate the same heart and faithfulness, otherwise we simply become talking heads.

So, at Ephesiology, we will stand on the side of social justice. We will also defend the faith. And we will never waiver from declaring God’s glory so that every people, tribe, language, and nation will one day be represented at the throne of God. Our heart is to encourage all of us to stay on God’s mission as we unite as the body of Christ to glorify God. 

Is this the time for the church to be different? In many ways, God sovereignly prepares us for times like this. Our challenge is how will we respond.

Table of Contents: Click here to view full Class Structure

  • Class Overview

  • Christianity and the Government

  • The Church and Ethnic Tensions

  • Church History and Plagues

  • The Coming Change in North American Evangelicalism

  • Leadership in the Time of Crisis

  • Responding to Crisis

  • The Role of the Sermon

  • The Missiologically Theocentric Micro-Church

  • A Hypothetical Case Study

  • Recovering the Growth Posture of the New Testament Church