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The Realities of Money & Missions

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Bible STUDIES by Christopher J. H. Wright 

1 The Integrity of Our Funding in the Eyes of God: 1 Chronicles 29:1-19  

2 Accountability in Our Stewardship of the Grace of God: 2 Corinthians 8:16-9:5  

3 The Viability of Our Ministry under the Sovereignty of God: Ecclesiastes 11:1-6  

SECTION A: Case Studies 

4 Faith-Based Organizations and Investments in Mission: 

The Case of the All Africa Conference of Churches —Bright G. Mawudor  

RESPONSE —Jeffrey J. Lee  

5 Fundraising Practices of the Mizoram Presbyterian Church —Zosangliana Colney  

RESPONSE —Sung-Chan Kwon  

6 Missions and Money: Christian Finance in Global Perspective —Gina A. Zurlo  

RESPONSE —Daeshik Jo  

7 Jesus Abbey: A Case Study in “Faith Financing” —Ben Torrey  

RESPONSE —Insoo Kim  

8 The Structure and the Financial Management Policy of GMS from the Perspective of 

Credibility, Transparency, and Accountability —Jinbong Kim  

RESPONSE —Karen Shaw  

9 Missions and Education —Allison Howell  

RESPONSE —Hyunchol Hong  

10 Registration of Real Estate: A Pivotal Factor in a Collaborative Effort to Establish a Seminary 

in Postwar Japan —J. Nelson Jennings  

RESPONSE —Jimoon Chung  

11 Money and Self-Support: A Challenging Principle of the Nevius Method 

for Korean Protestant Churches and Missions —Sung-Deuk Oak  

RESPONSE —Lalsangkima Pachuau  

SECTION B: Workshops 

12 Optimizing Missions through Organizational Financial Accountability —Valentine Gitoho  

RESPONSE —Dae Su Jung  

13 The Core Elements of the Establishment and Development of United Theological Seminary 

in Kyrgyzstan —Joohyung Lee, Emil Osmonaliev, and Sungbin Hong  

RESPONSE —Charles Weber  

14 Church Missions in the Public Sphere with a Focus on Onnuri Church’s Use of Public Funds 

—Hong Joo Kim  

RESPONSE —Atola Longkumer  

15 Evangelicals and Structural (In)Justice—What Are We Afraid Of? —Justin Thacker  

RESPONSE —Minyoung Jung  

16 Integrity is Illusive: Intercultural Gospel Work Needs to Be Vulnerable 

to Allow Indigenous Free Self-Expression —Jim Harries  

RESPONSE —C. S. Caleb Kim  

17 Mission, Power, and Money —Paul Bendor-Samuel  

RESPONSE —Jongdo Park  

18 Global South Mission Is Possible! —Andrew B. Kim  

RESPONSE —Wanjiru M. Gitau  

19 The COVID-19 Crisis and Opportunities for Increased Community: 

A Local Pastor’s Recommendations —Mongsik Lee  

RESPONSE —Sun Man Kim  

20 COVID-19 and Opportunities in Mission: An Ibero-American Case Analysis —Levi DeCarvalho 162 

RESPONSE —Byung Soo Lee  

21 Mission, Fiscal Responsibility, and Care for the Environment —Allison Howell  

RESPONSE —Bright Myeong-Seok Lee  

22 Toward a Money-Missionary Relationship Model: A Grounded Theory Approach Based on the 

Empirical Data of Korean Missionaries —Jooyun Eum  

RESPONSE —Ruth Maxwell 

23 The Role of Patron as Father (Gap) in church planting Efforts in Cambodia —Robert Oh  

RESPONSE —Sokreaksa Himm  

24 Can Any Good Be Done on a Short-Term Mission Trip? 

Opportunities and Pitfalls in Athens, Greece —Darren M. Carlson  

RESPONSE —Cheol Kang  

25 Paul Mission Training Center and Jeonju Antioch Church Mission Fund—Seung-Il Lee And Dong-Whee Lee  

RESPONSE —David S. Lim  

SECTION C: Testimonies 

26 Have Faith in God —Hak Hyun Cho  

27 My Testimony —Sokreaksa Himm  

28 Experiencing the Faithfulness of God in Missionary Support —Paul Ogbadu 

29 Testimony of Smyrna Church —Hak Gyun Shin  

SECTION D: Conclusion 

30 Concluding Summary —Timothy Kiho Park  

31 Concluding Summary —Jonathan J. Bonk  

Appendix: KPM’s Missionary Leadership Structure and Responsibilities for Financial Policy 

(Accountability and Reliability) —Young Gee Park  





Figures & Tables 

Figure 4.1: Partial View of the AACC Rental Offices, Nairobi, Kenya 

Figure 4.2: Partial View of the AACC Rental Offices, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia  

Figure 4.3: Partial View of the AACC Hotel  

Figure 6.1: Christians by Continent, 2020  

Figure 6.2: Largest Missionary Sending and Receiving Countries, 2020  

Figure 6.3: Percentage of World Christians vs Income  

Figure 6.4: Christian Population/Income, 2020  

Figure 6.5: Christian Population, Christian Income, and Christian Giving, 2020  

Figure 6.6: Giving to Church Versus Parachurch  

Figure 6.7: Missions Giving vs. Ecclesiastical Crime  

Figure 9.1: Bediako's Model  

Figure 15.1: “Sauda is One Day Old”  

Figure 16.1: “Free Expression” in Missionary/African Encounters  

Figure 16.2: “Free Expression” in Missionary/African Encounters—As It Should Be?  

Figure 18.1: The Comfort Zone  

Figure 22.1: Paradigm Model of the Impact of Money on Missionary Life and Ministry  

Figure 22.2: Money-Missionary Relationship Model  

Figure 25.1: JAC’s Mission Expenses  

Figure 25.2: Categories of Missionaries in TPMI  

Figure 25.3: TPMI-FMHQ’s Partnership Mechanism  

Figure 25.4: Missionary Training and Commissioning Process  

Figure 25.5: Career Paths of Missionaries after Three Years in Ministry  

Figure 25.6: Ministries of Recommissioned Missionaries  


Table 4.1: Strategic Business Unit Results, Real Estate  

Table 4.2: Strategic Business Unit Results, DTCC  

Table 4.3: Financial Results Total Income by Category  

Table 4.4: Grants from Partners Versus SBU Income at a Glance  

Table 4.5: AACC Property Development Strategy, 2009–2025 Flow of Funds Chart  

Table 6.1: Christians by Country, 1900 & 2020  

Table 6.2: Distribution of Annual Global Income and Wealth, 2020  

Table 13.1: UTS Income in $US between 2010 and 2020  

Table 13.2: UTS Expenses in $US between 2010 and 2020  

Table 14.1: ODA Matching Projects of a Better World and the Korean Government  

Table 14.2: Fiscal Structure of Onnuri Welfare Foundation (2019)  

Table 14.3: Onnuri M Mission Government Subsidy Receipt Status (2020)  

Table 22.1: A Conditional Matrix of The Impact Of Money On Missionary Life And Ministry  

Table 25.1: Use of JAC’s Finances  

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