Geoffrey W. Hahn
Geoffrey W. Hahn accepted Christ at a young age, and when he was a teenager God called him to cross-cultural missions. He completed his BA at Wheaton College, MDiv at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and doctorate at Denver Seminary (with a thesis on cross-cultural partnerships). Geoffrey’s Scottish wife, Fiona, is a nurse by training and holds a Master’s degree in public health. Her ministry focus is on compassionate ministry that protects and empowers populations that are marginalized or vulnerable to exploitation. Geoffrey and Fiona’s sons, Greg and Gabriel, and daughter-in-law, Kandace, are all serving others with the unique gifts and skills God has given them. In mission leadership Geoffrey has served as both country and area director and on SIM’s International Leadership Team for twelve years, currently as Deputy International Director. Along with geographic leadership responsibilities for North, Central, and South America, Geoffrey also provides global leadership for partnerships and mobilization, and for diaspora, sports, and business-based ministries.
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