Foreword Acknowledgments Introduction I Introduction II
One Millennials: A Generation Unleashed?
Two Who Are the Millennials?
Three Inspiring a Generation
Four Getting Ready to Go
Five Is Fear a Factor?
Six What Ministries Interest Millennials?
Seven How Can Organizations and Millennials Work Together?
Eight Personal Reflections
Appendix One: Other Author Writings Appendix Two: Real-life Stories Bibliography Index
Millennials and Mission
A Generation Faces a Global Challenge
Jim and Judy Raymo
This book focuses on the passing of the torch in cross-cultural missions and church ministry to the Millennial generation. Jim and Judy Raymo grapple with big questions and concerns in Millennials and Mission, while giving an in-depth look at this up-and-coming generation of young people and the future of missions in its hands. They highlight the strengths and weaknesses of this populous group born between 1982 and 2000, comparing and contrasting its characteristics with those of the Baby Boomers and Gen Xers. In spite of the challenges ahead, Millennials and Mission gives a clearly optimistic picture of the Millennial generation’s potential contribution to the accomplishing of the Great Commission.
Every generation confounds and mystifies its predecessors. Thus, “paradoxical,” the key word Jim and Judy Raymo have chosen to describe Millennials, is both an insightful and a hopeful summary. Their analysis is incisive while avoiding pigeonholing and caricatures. At its core, this book tells a hopeful story, propelled by the Great Commission, that this generation brings many correctives, a host of connective skills and tools, and a creativity to tackle formidable obstacles to the gospel. You will be encouraged as you read of the energy, the iconoclasm, and the passion of this generation of Christ-followers. Prepare to have your stereotypes shattered. God is still in the business of deploying his disciples!
Roger Thompson
Missionaries know all about the importance of contextualization when it comes to the gospel. In this important work, Jim and Judy Raymo provide all of us who care about the Great Commission with a necessary reminder that we must also contextualize the call to missionary involvement. This book will help you understand and reach the hearts of the next generation of would-be cross-cultural workers—the Millennials.
Stan Guthrie
I have been waiting ten years for the unique, personal, and insightful thoughts of Jim Raymo to come our way again. History has proven two things: the power of the gospel and the power of young people with a vision. I hope this book will equip today’s experienced mission leaders to engage the next generation with a global task.
Claude Hickman
I first met Jim in the early 70’s while he was working with a “Jesus movement” church on the University of Minnesota campus. He was warm, passionate, and totally dedicated to making Jesus known. We lost track of each other for years, but in the meantime he went on to serve in missions, led WEC-US and then began teaching intercultural studies to new generations of young college students who had interest in missions. Jim teaches at Bethany College of Mission and has helped our faculty and mission team better understand this Millennial generation—and how to better engage with them to reach all people everywhere with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Daniel H. Brokke
Jim and Judy Raymo have lived out the Great Commission in their lives. They have incarnated their love for Christ and the world through their efforts locally, globally, and with their family. Read this book and hear of their heart for Millenials, missions, and ministry in our world. You will not be disappointed by what you learn and how you are impacted.
John Jackson, PhD
This book should be read by the entire missional community. My prayer is that every person in the silent generation/builders and boomers will read this book and learn what it takes to encourage this exciting generation to reach the world with the Good News.
Tom Telford
Every generation confounds and mystifies its predecessors. Thus, “paradoxical,” the key word Jim and Judy Raymo have chosen to describe Millennials, is both an insightful and a hopeful summary. Their analysis is incisive while avoiding pigeonholing and caricatures. At its core, this book tells a hopeful story, propelled by the Great Commission, that this generation brings many correctives, a host of connective skills and tools, and a creativity to tackle formidable obstacles to the gospel. You will be encouraged as you read of the energy, the iconoclasm, and the passion of this generation of Christ-followers. Prepare to have your stereotypes shattered. God is still in the business of deploying his disciples!
Roger Thompson
Missionaries know all about the importance of contextualization when it comes to the gospel. In this important work, Jim and Judy Raymo provide all of us who care about the Great Commission with a necessary reminder that we must also contextualize the call to missionary involvement. This book will help you understand and reach the hearts of the next generation of would-be cross-cultural workers—the Millennials.