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Helping Missionaries Grow

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List of Contributors

Editors' Introduction to Helping Missionaries Grow

  1. Psychology and Missions: Reflections on Status and Need
  1. Should I Be a Missionary?
  2. How to Choose the Right Missionary
  3. Candidate Selection Criteria: A Survey
  4. How to Select the Best Church Planters
  5. A Rationale for Psychological Assessment of Missionary Candidates
  6. Essentials and Tools of Psychological Assessment
  7. Misuses of Psychological Assessment
  8. How Spiritual Are Missionaries?
  9. Missionary Fit: A Criterion-related Model
  10. Pretraining Variables in the Prediction of Missionary Success Overseas
  11. Preparation: Pay the Price
  12. A Preliminary Study on Psychologists in Missions
  13. Crucial Factors in Building Good Teams
  14. Teaching Power Encounter
  15. Characteristics of a Healthy Mission System
  16. Developmental Tasks in the Life Cycle of Mission Families
  17. Stress on Mission Families Living in "Other Culture" Situations
  18. The Missionary's Need for Family Life Training
  19. Missionary Family Restoration for Early Returnees
  20. Stress Factors in Missionary Marriages
  21. Positive Possibilities in Mid-life Transitions
  22. Resolving Conflicts in Christian Marriage
  1. Toward a Greater Understanding of the Real MK: A Review of Recent Research
  2. Personality Development in the Children of Missionary Parents
  3. Missionary Children: Correlates of Self-esteem and Dependency
  4. To Send or Not to Send? Missionary Parents Ask
  5. What About the Kids? MK Education Symposium
  6. The Educational Needs of Children of Expatriates
  7. Bonding and the Missionary Task
  8. Finding a Sense of Belonging in Your New Home
  9. How We Reduced Those Early Cultural Surprises
  10. Stress Producing Factors in Cultural Adjustment
  11. Decreasing Fatigue and Illness in Field Work
  12. Sources of Missionary Stress
  13. Worksheet on Balanced Living
  14. Missionary Relationships: Powderkeg or Powerhouse?
  15. Separation: Balancing the Gains and Losses
  16. Overcoming Stress in Singleness
  17. Why Do They Leave? Reflections on Attrition
  18. Proactive Care of Missionary Personnel
  19. Building Relationships Between Mental Health Specialists and Mission Agencies
  20. The Current Status of the Provision of Mental Health Services to Mission Agencies in North America
  21. Some Suggested Ethical Guidelines for the Delivery of Mental Health Services in Mission Settings
  22. Women's Roles in Mission; Where Are We Now?
  23. Wives: Homemakers or Mission Employees?
  24. Current Issues of Women and Therapy
  25. Reentry Stress: The Pain of Coming Home
  26. Welcome Homel Easing the Pain of MK Reentry
  1. Culture-Sensitive Counseling and the Christian Mission

Bibliography of Readings in Mental Health and Missions

Format: English PDF
Helping Missionaries Grow
Readings in Mental Health and Missions
Kelly O'Donnell and Michèle Lewis O'Donnell (editors)
Missionary care is a means of encouraging and developing those on the front lines of world evangelization. This type of care was demonstrated by the Lord during His earthly ministry, is recorded of the early church in the Acts of the Apostles and can be found in various forms throughout mission history. It is reflected in the wisdom of Proverbs and in the devotions of the Psalms.

But what types of care do missionaries need? How has it been provided in the past? And how can mission agencies develop balanced, effective member care programs for their people?

Helping Missionaries Grow addresses these important questions. Its articles span the member care terrain, providing a bird's-eye view of its nature, practice, and relevance to missionary health and ministry effectiveness.

Additional Details

  • Pages: 580
  • Publisher: William Carey Publishing
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Publish Year: 1988
  • ISBN:
  • Vendor: William Carey Library