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Spirituality in Mission

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Table of Contents

Along the Journey: Setting the Stage
Bertil Ekström (Brazil-Sweden)
C. Rosalee Velloso Ewell (Brazil)
Introduction: Preparing for the Journey
Editorial team: William D. Taylor, with John Amalraj and Geoffrey W. Hahn
Along the Journey: Theological Implications
1. Biblical and Theological Reflections on Christian Spirituality
Rose Dowsett (Scotland)
2. What Shapes Our Spirituality in Missions
John K. Amalraj (India)
3. Mission and Spirituality
Kirk Franklin (Australia)
4. Grace on the Journey
Geoffrey W. Hahn (USA)
5. Spirituality and the Prophet Jonah
Duncan Olumbe (Kenya)
6. Spiritual Warfare in Missions
Reuben Ezemadu (Nigeria)
7. Where There Is Lament
Miriam Adeney (USA)
8. The Journey’s Long Obedience
Valdir Steuernagel (Brazil)
Along the Journey: Identifying Issues
9. Spiritual Formation
Christine Raquel Taylor-Warner (USA)
10. Spiritual Direction
Christine Raquel Taylor-Warner (USA)
11. The Spirituality of Partnerships
Alexandre Araujo (Brazil-USA)
12. Culture Does Affect Our Spirituality
Kirk Franklin (Australia)
13. Legacy Racism, Living Realities
Benjamin Pillay (South Africa)
14. Spirituality and Justice
Abraham (Abey) George (India)
15. How to Discern the Will of God
David Tai-Woong Lee (Korea)
16. Embracing the Invitation to Brokenness and Deconstruction
Yvonne Christine DeAcutis Taylor (USA)
17. Spirituality and Planning
Rodolfo “Rudy” Girón (Guatemala, Spain)
18. Spirituality…It’s about Renewing Minds
Ellen Alexander (India)
19. The Spirituality of Professional Skills and Business
Peter Shaukat (Canada)
20. Engaging the Arts in God’s Mission
Katie Hoogerheide and Robin Harris (USA)
21. Stages of Spiritual Development: A Story and a Model on the Journey
William D. Taylor (USA)
22. Stages of Spiritual Development: Models and Applications for the Journey
William D. Taylor (USA)
Along the Journey: Discerning Organizational Spiritualities: Issues and Case Studies
23. Organizational Spirituality
Paul Bendor-Samuel, Interserve (England)
24. Case Studies
OMF, Patrick Fung (Singapore)
Assemblies of God, Greg Mundis (USA)
YWAM, Harry Hoffman (Germany, China)
WEC, Susan Sutton, (USA)
SIM, Geoffrey W. Hahn, with Joshua Bogunjoko (USA, Nigeria)
EMS, Nigeria, Simon Yako (Nigeria)
GMF, Korea, Steve Sang-Cheol Moon (Korea)
OM, Viv Thomas (England)
PMI, Latin America, Allan Matamoros (Costa Rica)
FMPB, India, Simon Ponniah (India)
Mizo Movement, L. N. Tluanga (North East India)
Along the Journey: Preparing and Engaging
25. Spirituality and the Missionary Call
Bruce Dipple (Australia)
26. Teaching and Learning to Nurture Spirituality
Ruth Wall (England)
27. Grappling with the Invisible Evil Powers
Margaretha Adiwardana (Brazil)
28. Risk along the Journey
Geoffrey W. Hahn (USA)
29. Preparing for Intentional Discrimination, Harassment, and Persecution
Wolfgang Häde (Germany, Turkey)
30. Harassment, Persecution, and Martyrdom on the Field
Antonia Leonora van der Meer (Brazil)
Along the Journey: Caring for Companions
31. The Reality of Suffering in Mission
David D. Ruíz (Guatamala)
32. Caring for Those on the Journey
Detlef Blöecher (Germany)
33. Healers
Laura Mae Gardner (USA)
34. A Model of Healing and Discipleship
Kyle Miller (USA)
35. The Broken, the Wounded Warrior, and Hidden Addictions
Dale Phillips (USA)
36. Serving Those Whose Plans Have Radically Been Changed
Gary Wittevrongel (USA)
37. Rest, Recreation, Sabbath
Jim Van Meter (USA)
Along the Journey: Finishing Well
38. Finishing Strong and Well
William D. Taylor (USA)
39. A Review and a Perspective
Editorial team: John Amalraj, with Geoffrey W. Hahn and William D. Taylor
Along the Journey: Appendix
Annotated Bibliography
Roberta Chiang (Hong Kong)

Spirituality in Mission
Embracing the Lifelong Journey
John Amalraj (Editor), Geoffrey W. Hahn (Editor)
 Authors from eighteen countries give us their perspectives on biblical principles and cultural expressions of spirituality particularly as the church engages in God’s mission. The anthology of texts enriches our understanding of the depth and the meaning of being spiritual and the diversity of forms to live out the Christian faith. The issue today is how spirituality should direct and guide daily life as followers of Jesus in the engagement in the mission of God. No doubt that it has to do with our inner life and our relationship with God, but it is in showing our love and concern to others that we prove our love to God, according to the Apostle John (1 John 4).

Mission without spirituality will only be a human effort to convince people of religious theories. Spirituality without a missionary involvement of the church will not express God’s desire that the transforming gospel reaches every person. This book will help you rethink your understanding of what is spiritual, revisit your own spiritual journey, and appreciate the different forms of spirituality as they are described and performed around the globe.


  • Century after century, missionary vision and dynamism have always come from churches and persons that enjoyed spiritual vitality. Missionaries that I have known who left a mark in mission history were women and men that practiced regularly the spiritual disciplines of prayer and meditation of the Bible. The value of this new book, Spirituality in Mission, is how it explores and expounds its subject through personal testimony, reflection, and Bible exposition. The diversity of authors and subjects make it a milestone in missiological literature.

    J. Samuel EscobarFacultad Protestante de Teología UEBE, Spain; Author, The New GlobalMission: The Gospel from Everywhere to Everyone (IVP, 2003)

  • For decades, Bill Taylor and his global colleagues have encouraged our pursuit towards being “reflective practitioners.” Spirituality in Mission is the masterpiece collection of guidance towards that goal. In a day of hyperactivity, exhaustion, and ministry burn out, this resource—written by an amazing collection of global Christian leaders—provides the challenges andthe tools needed for long-term personal depth and ongoing organizational renewal. Slow down, read this book reflectively, and reenter ministry work strengthened.

    Paul Borthwick Senior Consultant Development Associates International; Author, GreatCommission, Great Compassion (IVP, 2015)

  • Mission organizations, Bible agencies, and church planters are coming together in unprecedented ways in the twenty-first century. They are working together to build God’s kingdom. As a result, they’re developing a broader vision and experience of what it means to be the body of Christ. Those of us on the journey like to reference Psalms 133—it is wonderful and pleasant when brothers and sisters live and work together in harmony! Harmony is precious and refreshing, resulting in God’s blessing. May your reading of this book give you new insight, blessing, and refreshment for your own journey.

    Bob Creson President/CEO Wycliffe Bible Translators USA

  • Starting with the phrase “the use of means,” William Carey inaugurated the modern missionary movement as fundamentally pragmatic. As we move into a new era of mission far more diverse and richer, we must infuse that pragmatism with the aroma of Christ in new ways. Spirituality in Mission does just that, offering perspectives on the spiritual journey that is not constrained by the task at hand. Be warned, though, that some essays will not paint a picture of spirituality that is void of reality. Rather, what emerges is an interior life of the Spirit that is both global and local, and enriching to all.

    Dr. Ted Esler President Missio Nexus

  • Comprehensive in content and often deeply convicting, this volume treats the topic of spirituality in missions from every conceivable angle. Seasoned leaders from around the globe lend their voices to various aspects of spirituality in ways a solitary worldview could not. Topics ranging from the missionary call all the way to the conclusion of a missionary’s life are insightfullytouched upon. This newest mission resource should be referenced by every aspiring missionary and current message-bearer, to guide him or her through their ministry journey.

    Dr. Marvin J. Newell Senior Vice-President Missio Nexus

  • At last, a timely, comprehensive, and foundational resource for missions in the twentyfirst century! It is filled with gems of wisdom, grace, and helps for the beginners, “wounded warriors,” and thriving missionaries. The future of missions depends on many more of God’s people successfully embracing it as a life-long journey. Such an endeavor is usually too much forindividual missionaries without a caring and understanding missional community behind them. Together, we will have the needed spirituality to embrace it life-long and to finish strong and well. Thus, this book is also invaluable for every Christian engaged in the Great Commission.

    Dr. Andrew Ng Missions Consultant SIM East Asia

Additional Details

  • Pages: 440
  • Publisher: William Carey Publishing
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Publish Year: 2018
  • ISBN: 9780878080564
  • Vendor: William Carey Publishing

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