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Teaching Them Obedience in All Things (EMS 7)

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Teaching Them ... All Things: Three Dots And a Pilgrimage by Kenneth B. Mulholland

Training the Next Generation of Evangelical Pastors and Missionaries by John Piper

Teaching Them to Obey All Things: A View from the Matthean Account of the Great Commission by Michael J. Wilkins

Teaching Them to Obey All Things: A Lukan Perspective on Confronting Magic in Power Oriented Societies by Rick Love

University and Church: Prisoners of Culture or Partners For the Great Commission? by Sherwood Lingenfelter

The Role of Higher Education in the Christian World Mission: Past, Present and Future by Larry Poston

Mission in Postmodern Contexts: A Journey of Deconstruction and Discovery in the "Life Community" by Jonathan Campbell

Making Disciples Through Teaching Obedience Among Generation X by Rick Sessoms

The Limu Valley Project by Abdella Usman Muktar

Moving Forward in Missiological Education: Curricular Foundations by Edgar J. Elliston

Biographical Sketches


Teaching Them Obedience in All Things (EMS 7)
Equipping for the 21st Century
Edgar J. Elliston
In the Great Commission, Jesus tells us to make disciples, teaching them to obey all that he commands. This volume explores the nature of this charge and various ways the church can fulfill this calling.

The first section lays the biblical and missiological foundation for the discussion. Not only is obedience essential; it is also empowered by knowing and delighting in God above all else.

Discipleship touches every part of a person’s life. The next section looks at the role of higher education and the church in teaching disciples to obey the Lord. Holistic training requires work from teachers across diverse disciplines.

Section three presents three case studies. Two chapters consider practical implications and approaches for the Western church as it ministers in a postmodern context. By contrast, a third chapter shares how training is conducted in parts of Ethiopia. Finally, the fourth section raises curricular issues for helping cross-cultural missionaries design contextualized training programs. It contends that the future of effective missiological education depends on careful attention both to foundational issues and appropriate delivery approaches.

Additional Details

  • Pages: 296
  • Publisher: William Carey Publishing
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Publish Year: 1999
  • ISBN: 9781645085201
  • Vendor: William Carey Publishing