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Reading James Missiologically

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Chapter 1: Holistic Mission: The Vision of Mission in James by Allen Yeh

Chapter 2: The New Birth and the Vision of God’s Mission in James by James A. Roh

Chapter 3: What Has Quito to Do with Jerusalem? C. René Padilla’s Integral Missiology in the Context of James 2:1–17 by Christopher Howles

Chapter 4: Restoring the Kingdom to Israel: Promise and Eschatology in the Epistle of James by Benjamin E. Castaneda

Chapter 5: Eschatology and Mission in James by Jeffrey S. Krohn

Chapter 6: The Poor at the Heart of the Mission: A Call to the Church to Align with God’s Mission by Nelson R. Morales Fredes

Chapter 7: Rahab in James: A Corrective Missiological Paradigm by Jessica Janvier


Chapter 8: Holistic Mission in James and the Early Church by Edward L. Smither

Chapter 9: Riches and Poverty in James: Exploring Christian Identity within a Covenantal Framework by Vuyani Stanely Sindo

Chapter 10: The Word of God and Christian Mission in James 1:22–25 by James E. Morrison

Chapter 11: Theology of Mission and Prosperity in James by Leita Ngoy


Chapter 12: Mercy as Mission in James: Practicing Gospel Care toward Those in Need by John D. Harvey

Chapter 13: The Poor, the Rich, and God’s Mission in James by Joseph K. Pak

Chapter 14: Wisdom from James for Managerial Missions by Sarah Lunsford

Chapter 15: Teaching and Missiological Implications from James 3:1–2 by Thomas W. Seckler

Chapter 16: James and Refugees: A Call to Care for the Vulnerable by Cindy M. Wu

Chapter 17: Mission to an Unjust World through God’s Scattered, Persevering Children by Jeanne Wu

Chapter 18: Prayer, Worship, and Holistic Mission in the Letter of James by Grant LeMarquand

About the Contributors

Scripture Index

Reading James Missiologically
The Missionary Motive, Message, and Methods of James
Abeneazer G. Urga, Jessica A. Udall, and Edward L. Smither, editors

What can James teach us about mission?

While books on a New Testament theology of mission abound, most of them focus only on certain tried-and-true books and passages while often ignoring the contribution of the General Epistles. In Reading Hebrews Missiologically and Reading 1 Peter Missiologically, we began to address this gap in missiological scholarship, and we seek to continue in the same vein in this work on the book of James.

Reading James Missiologically explores the missionary dimensions of the Epistle of James through three parts: the missionary motive is the reason behind missionary efforts (the why), the missionary message reveals what missionaries communicate (the what), and the missionary methods outline strategies for mission (the how). The global contributors examine James’s profound call to action among the poor and inspire believers toward holistic engagement with the world as “doers of the word, not hearers only” (Jas 1:22 ESV). 


  • In Reading James Missiologically, a bricolage of essays uncovers the depth of missional theology in this short epistle. From the first part with its tightly argued exegetical work that utilizes both testaments coupled with historical precedencies in mission, through to the second part, that bypass the binary approaches of social action and evangelistic proclamation to the final part with mission in various contexts, the collection of essays deepen and expand the character of true mission. This book charts the way to engaging mission and evangelism in our day that is at once biblical, credal, and global—from the whole church to the whole world following the spirit who calls the church from the future. Reading James Missiologically is biblically based and contains a socially conscious theology of missions par excellence.

    Rev. Esther E. Acolatse, PhDProfessor of Pastoral Theology and World Christianity / Director of the DMin Program, Garrett-Evangelical Theological SeminarySeries Co-Editor, African Christian Studies Series

  • This groundbreaking volume places the epistle of James squarely at the center of missional theology. The contributors masterfully demonstrate how James’s emphasis on holistic transformation speaks to our global context, while bringing fresh perspectives from Majority World voices. By bridging historical divides and integrating personal holiness with social justice, this work reflects the very heart of biblical mission. This is an essential reading for anyone seeking to understand how James’s ancient wisdom can shape authentic mission in our time.

    J. Ayodeji Adewuya, PhDProfessor of New Testament, Pentecostal Theological SeminaryAuthor, An African Commentary on the Letter of James

  • Reading James Missiologically is another volume in a series of books dedicated to giving missiological attention to the general epistles. I love Smither, Udall, and Urga’s impulse to read Scripture closely, do careful biblical theological work, and to recognize the missional threads woven throughout while drawing out missiological applications in parts of Scripture not often mined for such gold. This volume looks at James in just such a way and it engages in some of the most important missiological questions of our day. Driven to the discussion of integral mission or proclamation priority by James’s desire to hold faith and work together, various conclusions in this volume are unavoidably controversial. Thus, readers will doubtless walk away with different points of tension depending upon their position on the overall missiological discussion. However, the conversation is important, and the contribution of James cannot be ignored. This is a helpful compilation of essays that will no doubt provide reference material for missiological reflection in the future.

    Matthew A. Bennett, PhDAssociate Professor of Missions and Theology, Cedarville UniversityAuthor, Narratives in Conflict: Atonement in Hebrews and the Qur'an

  • Do you think the often-neglected letter of James has little relevance for Christian mission today? Think again. A wide-ranging, international cast of stellar biblical scholars and missiologists demonstrates repeatedly how important James is for a holistic mission that in no way relegates either personal conversion or social action to a subordinate role. Studies focused on short passages combine with those that sweep through the whole letter to show how impoverished on this topic we would be without James in the canon. A must read!

    Craig L. Blomberg, PhDDistinguished Professor Emeritus of New Testament, Denver Seminary

  • Reading James Missiologically is a gift to the global church. Based on rigorous research and thoughtful engagement with ministry, these essays explore the intersection of James’s letter with the missions movement. They discuss the message of James and how it informs the foundation, methods, and approaches to the expansion of the church. The editors have assembled an impressive team that features skilled scholars and ministry practitioners. The chapters are well-organized and display a thoughtful progression. The editors and authors are to be commended for their worthy contribution to the study of the epistle of James as well as the field of missiology.

    Daniel K. Eng, PhDAssistant Professor of New Testament Language and Literature, Western SeminaryAuthor, Eschatological Approval: The Structure and Unifying Motif of James

  • This insightful collection of essays from a diverse group of missiologists more than delivers the promise in its title. It also moves us towards an understanding of James from various perspectives in global Christianity. That makes it doubly important for those of us who know that the future of our faith is for and from all peoples, not rooted permanently in the Western mindset.

    Todd M. Johnson, PhD Eva B. and Paul E. Toms Distinguished Professor of Mission and Global Christianity, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

Additional Details

  • Pages: 330
  • Publisher: William Carey Publishing
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Publish Year: 2025
  • ISBN: 9781645086352
  • Vendor: William Carey Publishing