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Refugee Diaspora

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Table of Contents

Introduction—Dr. Sam George (USA)
Regions—Asia, Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Americas
1. From Genocide to Kingdom-Building in Cambodia—Ken Kong (Cambodia)
2. Three Times a Refugee: Journey of an Afghani Doctor—Dr. Ahmad Karim (Afghanistan)
3. Sustaining Karen Refugee Community in Oakland—Steven Rozzi and Dr. Russell Jeung (USA)
4. Jordan, Home for Refugees: Two Challenges—Dr. J. Wu (Jordan)
5. Somali Refugees and Friendly Churches—Dr. Peter Sensenig (East Africa)
6. Iraq: What Happened to the Christians?—Dr. Wissam Paulus Kammou (Iraq)
7. Refugee Ministries in East Africa—Kevin Panicker (Kenya/Philippines)
8. Brazilian Ministries to Middle Eastern Refugees— José Prado (Brazil)
9. Learning from Refugee-Led Ministries in Boston—Torli Harlan Krua (Liberia and USA)

Responses (Advocacy, Counseling, Justice, Peacemaking and Solidarity)
10. Standing in Solidarity: Canada’s Welcoming Consensus—Martin Wightman (Canada)
11. Welcoming Refugees for the Glory of God—Dr. Peter Vimalasekaran (Germany)
12. Ministry to Refugees Arriving in Europe—Daniel Zeidan (Greece)
13. Refugee Children’s Ministry in South Sudan—Julia Kapuki Jada (South Sudan)
14. Compassion Fatigue: Never Grow Weary of Doing Good—Dr. Camille Melki (Lebanon)
15. Staying for Good: Middle Eastern Christians and the Challenge to remain—Stephen Carter (UK)
16. Young Refugees: Building Leaders for Peace—Saji Oommen (Turkey)
17. Refugees and Technology: Leveraging Modern Tools for Refugees—Dr. Sam George (USA)
18. Becoming a Welcomer: Ways to Serve Refugees and Obey Scripture—Tabitha McDuffee (USA)

Reflections (Biblical, Theological, and Missiological)
19. A Shared Human Condition: An Old Testament Refugee Perspective—Dr. Chris Wright (UK)
20. Relationship and Scripture in Practical Refugee Ministry—Dr. Paul N. Sydnor (France)
21. Refugee Opportunity: A Missional Responsibility of the Church—Yousef AlKhouri (Palestine)

Conclusion: A Place Called Home—Dr. Miriam Adeney (USA)

Refugee Diaspora
Missions amid the Greatest Humanitarian Crisis of the World
Miriam Adeney (Editor), Sam George (Editor)

God is at work among refugees everywhere. Will you join? 

Refugee Diaspora is a contemporary account of the global refugee situation and how the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ is shining brightly in the darkest corners of the greatest crisis on our planet. These hope-filled pages of refugees encountering Jesus Christ presents models of Christian ministry from the front lines of the refugee crisis and the real challenges of ministering to today’s refugees. It includes biblical, theological, and practical reflections on mission in diverse diaspora contexts from leading scholars as well as practitioners in all major regions of the world.


  • Sam George, Miriam Adeney, Chris Wright, and others take on one of the most important issues facing the global church today—the refugee crisis. They humanize refugees by telling their stories and offer a biblical, but clarion call to the church. Jesus was a refugee. He calls us to welcome the stranger. When we do, we welcome God. Refugee Diaspora is an urgent, poignant, and personal book. I couldn’t commend this book more highly. Let these words change you.

    STEPHAN BAUMANauthor of Seeking Refugee and former president/CEO of World Relief

  • For all who claim to be followers of Christ, this book is a timely “must read.” To care for refugees is to touch the heart of God. God built the Hebrew nation out of a group of refugees. The incarnate Son was born into a refugee family. Repeatedly in the Scriptures God declares that the measure of a people is how we welcome aliens and refugees. Jesus himself says, “I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Given our era’s unprecedented number of refugees and its rancorous debates, this book provides needed insights to shape our attitudes and actions.

    TIM DEARBORN, PHDformer partnership leader for faith and development, World Vision International

  • Refugee Diaspora presents painful experiences of dislocated refugees in our time. The contributors, however, powerfully argue that the Lord’s plan is to transform this people on the move to an army to witness to the God of salvation. The Holy Spirit loves to empower people from the margins, and the book signals another great season of harvest.

    WONSUK MA, PHDdean and professor of global Christianity, Oral Roberts University

  • Refugee Diaspora is a series of eye-opening, heart-wrenching, and soul-stirring narratives of the current global refugee crisis. It shows us what God and God’s people are doing among the forcible displaced peoples of the world. It is a powerful call for all churches and Christians to get involved with the refugees across our streets and around the world. I encourage you to read it along withother church leaders.

    ED STETZER, PHD, DMINBilly Graham Distinguished Chair of Church, Mission, and evangelism, Wheaton College

  • It is not enough for us to open our eyes. But it is a start. We need to listen learn about the unique challenge and opportunity of refugees in our world today. We need to open our eyes, and then we need to open our hearts. These are people. These are individuals whose life is as precious as yours and mine. And we need to open our arms. It is not enough to learn or to empathize. I trust you will read this book and God will open your eyes, heart, and arms to the world that is on our doorstep. This is a unique gospel opportunity in our generation.

    MICHAEL OH, PHDGlobal CEO, The Lausanne Movement

  • This is a fascinating book unveiling how open hearts, open arms, open homes, and open churches can transform helpless refugees to become HOPE-FILLED followers of Jesus. This is a remarkable collection of global vignettes of how the Kingdom is expanding when human misery is met with God’s mercy through the courage and compassion of God’s people.

    T. V. THOMAS, DMINchairman, Lausanne’s Global Diaspora Network (GDN)

  • Carefully documented, insightful, arresting, compelling! Refugee Diaspora portrays one of the catastrophic global crises during the first quarter of the twentyfirst century. This book is not all about disasters, agony, sufferings, injustice, and gloom! It is about compassion, mercy, justice, deliverance, and hope! All contributing writers are reflective practitioners calling everyone who

    SADIRI JOY TIRA, DMISS, DMINCatalyst for Diasporas, The Lausanne Movement

  • At the face of unprecedented levels of forcibly displaced people around the world, will the church shrink in fear, turn away in apathy, or will it live out its mandate to care for the poor, the widow, the orphan, and alien among us? Refugee Diaspora is a blessing and much needed resource for the church. It should be read by everyone who wants to have a response to the next generation when they ask, “How did the church share the good news of Jesus Christ when this tide of human suffering was unfolding?”

    Hyon Kim MD, MTS, MPHglobal director, SIM International

  • Refugee Diaspora is a perfect example of how to learn about Diaspora Missions, going after what God is doing around the globe through His people. These brave disciples of Christ see the incommensurable need, discern God's direction, and act in love, right now! The editors, both highly qualified and passionate, created a good story out of many different stories. It is a work well done!

    Jura Yanagihara, PHDpresident of Alliance World Fellowship

Additional Details

  • Pages: 210
  • Publisher: William Carey Publishing
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Publish Year: 2018
  • ISBN: 9780878080854
  • Vendor: William Carey Library

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