Spirit Walk (Special Edition)
The Holy Spirit is the Hidden Mover Behind All Personal Life Transformation and Ministry Fruitfulness.
Since the original publication of Spirit Walk, author Steve Smith has gone home to meet the Lord face-to-face. However, before that glorious day, he penned an impassioned plea to believers in the last days of his life. That plea and piece of instruction is what comprises the new foreword in this special edition of Spirit Walk. Read and be both challenged and invited to a life lived in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Though we know the Bible says to walk in the Spirit, the majority of Christians are illiterate (and even nervous) about how to practically live in His power. The result is lives marred by continued brokenness and ministries plagued by fruitlessness. In contrast, believers from Acts understood the ancient path of the Spirit Walk. That extraordinary power was not just for them, but also for us.
Gleaning insights from implementation in dozens of Acts-like movements around the world, Spirit Walk “lifts the hood and shows us the real secret behind apostolic, disciple multiplying movements” (Neil Cole, author of Organic Church). Whether you need a movement of God in your personal life or in your ministry, this book takes you through the timeless principles of the Bible.
The Spirit Walk path has helped thousands of ordinary people shift from a fundamental reliance upon methods and self-helps to the essential reliance upon the Spirit who empowers both. Discover how to start on your lifelong journey of being filled again and again by the Holy Spirit as you abide in Christ.
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With the right methods men can accomplish something noticeable, but not necessarily eternal. With the right empowerment they can truly change the world and bring about eternal fruit––and the method matters little. In this book, Steve Smith lifts the hood and shows us the real secret behind apostolic, disciple-multiplying movements...and it isn’t a strategy, workbook, program, or 5-step plan. It is something all of us have instant access to and which promises to bear eternal fruit. It is time we welcome the Holy Spirit and follow His lead into the harvest fields.
Neil Cole Apostolic Missionary and Author
Steve Smith has dedicated his life to the fulfillment of the Great Commission through movements that multiply disciples and churches. He has made a significant contribution to our thinking on strategy and effective methods. But Steve knows best practice is not enough. Now in Spirit Walk he explains how God’s power is available to work in us and through us for his glory and the discipling of the nations.
Steve Addison Author, Pioneering Movements: Leadership that Multiplies Disciples and Churches
I knew Spirit Walk was special when I kept on stopping to reflect on the biblical candor and battle-tested wisdom from the first couple of thousand words. Steve Smith is one of the key pioneers in Kingdom movements. In this book, he puts a spiritual laser on the divine fingerprints observed on every one of the hundreds of 21st century movements, and he invites Christ followers not to try to lead the parade but pursue and abide in God.
Jerry Trousdale Director of International Ministries, New Generations
Sooner or later most pastors and missionaries come to the end of their rope and realize the best preaching, methodology, training, and strategy does not result in something that can only be explained by the power of God. Steve Smith shares from his personal pilgrimage and seeing the Spirit of God work on the mission field how every Christian can experience a “Spirit Walk” as the norm in daily victorious living and ministry.
Jerry Rankin President Emeritus, International Mission Board, SBC
Steve Smith reminds us that walking in the Spirit is indispensable to every significant Kingdom breakthrough over the past 2,000 years. I commend all readers to this powerful resource for their Kingdom journey.
David Garrison Executive Director, Global Gates
This is a groundbreaking book for all of us who care about the mission of God in the earth.… Steve Smith is one of the men that has truly shaped the Antioch Movement as well as thousands of others’ lives. His leadership, mind, and absolute commitment to the love and power of God make him a man worthy to follow. I am so proud of Steve and his new book Spirit Walk. I believe it will be another move forward for all of us who truly are desiring HisKingdom to come and His will to be done in our lifetime.
Jimmy Seibert Senior Pastor of Antioch Community Church and President of Antioch Ministries International
In the last few years, I have had the opportunity to know Steve Smith personally, and have come to admire the strength of his faith, the humility of his leadership, and the simplicity of his ministry methods. Reading his work in Spirit Walk has shown me why he is such a high-impact.
Dr. Bekele Shanko Chairman, GACX and VP of Global Church Movements, CRU
Steve Smith is a missionary, church planter, and eager disciple bof our Lord. As you will discover, his heart beats with the urgent necessity of living each day in the fullness of
Tom Elliff Former President of the International Mission Board
Steve provides a clear introduction to an issue which is central to living an abundant and fruitful life for our King and His Kingdom.
Curtis SergeantAuthor and Former IMB Church Planter
Before Jesus Christ’s crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, He promised that we would do “greater things” than He did while He was on the earth (John 14:12). In Spirit Walk, Steve Smith reminds the church that these “greater things” can only be accomplished by the power of the Holy Spirit at work within the people of God. I found his tangible instructions on how to embark on mission with the Spirit moment-by-moment incredibly inspiring to my personal ministry as well as to my leadership of a team of Spirit-indwelt and Spirit-empowered missionary leaders.
Kurt Nelson CEO, East-West Ministries
Additional Details
- Pages: 206
- Publisher: William Carey Publishing
- Binding: paperback
- Publish Year: 2020
- ISBN: 9781645082255
- Vendor: William Carey Publishing