The Ralph D. Winter Story
The Ralph D. Winter Story
How One Man Dared to Shake Up World Missions
by: Harold Fickett (Author)
Genius and Iconoclast
Legendary missionary strategist Ralph D. Winter always provoked strong reactions, one way or another. This long overdue book captures both the genius and the controversy of a self-described “social engineer,” named by Time magazine as one of the 25 Most Influential Evangelicals in America.
There was never a time when my life and that of my late husband intersected with Ralph Winter’s life that we were not confronted and challenged by his amazing thinking. Bill and Ralph were roommates at Princeton Theological Seminary and remained friends and mutual encouragers through the years of their separate ministries. This volume portrays the development of Ralph’s thinking that led to his initiating the Roberta Winter Institute. In his captivating style, Harold Fickett draws his readers into Ralph’s godly, productive life.
Vonette Bright (Mrs. William R. Bright)Co-founder, Campus Crusade for Christ, International
The Ralph D. Winter Story is this year’s most important missions book, science book, history book, and how-to-change-the-world book! It’s also a loving tribute to one of the greatest innovators and teachers of our time. Ralph D. Winter initiated more God-glorifying ideas every decade than all the previous decades of his life combined. The most important legacy Winter wished to leave was a generation of world changers who would join Jesus Christ in destroying the works of the devil. That is the task remaining for those of us who knew Ralph Winter and those fortunate readers who will meet him in Fickett’s superb book.
Robert A. BlincoePhD, U.S. Director, Frontiers
Having known him for 40+ years and having recently read Parsons' dissertation I thought I knew my friend quite well. But here I found the pilgrimage of the inner Ralph and found I hardly knew him!
Robertson McQuilkinPresident Emeritus, Columbia International University author, An Introduction to Biblical Ethics
I enjoyed the book immensely.... Moving to the USCWM for 6 glorious years of almost daily contact with Ralph, my faith was forever changed…. Ralph's insights into Kingdom Theology and intelligent evil design have significantly influenced my ministry and message...
Tom TheriaultPh.D., Associate Pastor, Solana Beach Presbyterian Church, CA
Fickett’s work on Winter is a joy to read. Students of mission, those seeking to understand twentieth century evangelicalism, and those seeking personal inspiration for their callings will all benefit from these pages.
Chuck HuckabyAssociate Editor, Worldview Church
Additional Details
- Pages: 192
- Publisher: William Carey Library
- Binding: Paperback
- Publish Year: 2012
- ISBN: 9780878084968
- Vendor: William Carey Library