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Serving Jesus with Integrity (EMS 18)

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Table of Contents

Introduction by Dwight P. Baker 


Part I: Integrity in Message, Finances, and Relationships

1. Reconstructing an Ethic of Evangelism for Twenty-first-Century Congregations by Fran Blomberg 

2. An Approach to Financial Accountability in Mission Partnerships by Mary Lederleitner 

3. Seeing Through a Glass More Clearly: The Moral and Evangelistic Imperative of More Accurately Representing Other People’s Religions to Ourselves by Edwin Zehner

Part II: Integrity in Personal Morality

4. Ethics and Accountability in the Mission Community by William D. Taylor

5. Internet Pornography and Missions by Steven G. Edlin 

6. The Dynamic Relationship Between Ethical Compromise and Ministry Effectiveness by Jon Freeman

Part III: Integrity in Institutional Practice

7. “Deleadered”: Ethical Removal of Leaders in Mission Organizations by David Broucek 

8. Seven Stealth Ethical Issues Flying Under the Radar of Many Mission Agencies by Gary R. Corwin

9. Organizational Justice: Perceptions of Being Fairly Treated by David R. Dunaetz 

Part IV: Integrity in the Field

10. Ethical Guidelines for Church Planters: A Suggested Proposal by J. D. Payne 

11. Some Ethical Considerations About Short-Term Mission by Gorden R. Doss 

12. Sustainable Missions: Ethical Principles for Holistic Practice in a Broken World by John R. Wood and Michael P. Ferber 

Part V: Integrity in Recruitment and Representation

13. Truth and Storytelling: It Is Important to Get the Facts Straight by John McNeill

14. Ethical Issues in Missionary Filmmaking: Cinematic Tropes of Power and Perspective by Curtis A. Wilkinson

15. The Missionary and the Camera: Developing an Ethic for Contemporary Missionary Photographers by Gabriel B. Tait 

Part VI: Integrity Through Intentional Accountability

16. Holding Missionaries Accountable: A Proposed Code of Ethics for Missionaries Based Upon the Code of Ethics of the American Anthropological Association by Douglas Hayward and Paul E. Langenwalter


Serving Jesus with Integrity (EMS 18)
Ethics and Accountability in Mission
Dwight P. Baker and Douglas Hayward

Living in Shalom as a Missionary

Serving Jesus with Integrity delves into the complex and often perplexing ethical issues that confront evangelical missionaries and mission agencies. While personal morality is certainly a concern, the scope of ethical engagement in evangelical mission extends far beyond the avoidance of compromising sexual situations and financial impropriety. The issues surrounding ethics in missionary work are often multifaceted, overlapping, and uncertain, and the book acknowledges the seductive attractions that accompany discussions about such issues.

The contributors raise thought-provoking questions about how to talk about others’ beliefs and practices, how to represent oneself to others, the role of tolerance for ambiguity in mental preparation, how to structure accountability in intercultural partnerships, and how to foster organizational justice in mission institutions. The book also addresses the role of care for creation in mission, the importance of a code of ethics for missionary practice, and what integrity in short-term mission outreach looks like.

Drawing on Christian principles and the belief that all people are limited and fallible, this compendium provides guidance and admonition, along with deep reflection on the conduct of evangelical mission, so that missionaries can serve Jesus with true integrity. By grappling with these challenging ethical issues, Serving Jesus with Integrity is a valuable resource for those engaged in missionary work, and for anyone interested in exploring the complex interplay between ethics, faith, and cross-cultural engagement.

Additional Details

  • Pages: 430
  • Publisher: William Carey Publishing
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Publish Year: 2010
  • ISBN: 9781645085287
  • Vendor: William Carey Publishing